I shot upstraight and jumped as I removed my helmet and grinned broadly at Zayn once I passed the finish line. A shot of giggles had taken over me as I looked at the disappointed face he was carrying. "Looks like you're theory was a fail," I said and did a small victory dance, which suprised me, as I couldn't believe I was comfortable enough to do such a thing.

The victory dance, brightened up Zayn's face as he looked at me with amusement. He folded both arms behind his head and grinned at me, before his eyes traced down my body and I noticed him take the bottom of his lip between his teeth.

However, oddly enough, it wasn't I who panicked at the gesture and it was Zayn who, as soon as he realised what he was doing, turned away and focused on the ground furiously.

I, on the other hand, felt flushed that he had looked at me in such a way. I covered my cheeks and found they were burning, yet the butterflies in my tummy were dancing in a curious way. Had I actually enjoyed him admire me? I couldn't possibly have done. Yet my body responded in a way, I hadn't felt before, and shockingly I had slightly enjoyed it.

I shook my head several times, trying to rid those thoughts away as I sat back down on the kart. I'm not turning into those hormonal girls, I said to myself and tried to repeat as I approached Zayn like nothing had happened. Focus on the game, I thought.

"Ready to be beaten again?" I dared to say, and as I looked down at my hands I found I was gripping the wheel with such force that I had mutter silently to control myself before loosening my grip.

Zayn looked at me and I saw a small warm smile creep onto his lips.

"Not this time," He winked at me and I felt my heart skip a beat as his quick composure stunned me.

We both made our way to the start up line, and waited for the horn once again. Once it came, we both started the race with mutual enthusiasm and determination. This time, we were at each other's tails, Zayn had picked up his game and wasn't going easy, while I was just as eager, as I glued my foot down on the accelerator. For one of the bends, I hadn't managed to swift past it properly and my kart stopped for a moment, but I knew how to start it up again, and was near Zayn in an instant. I smiled, as I noticed that Zayn had lowered his speed and was attentive to my slight fault on the race, as I approached him with ease. But once I was next to me, I saw him wink at me again before pressing down on the accelarator and rushing past me. Fortunately, for my benefit, on an other bend, it was his turn to stall and I didn't bother waiting as I laughed teasingly and passed him.

I sat on the small boot of the kart as I waited for Zayn to approach, my helmet swinging in my hand. He eventually creeped next me, and then sighed.

"Beginner's luck, that's what it is." He groaned as he removed his helmet and frowned as I laughed.

"Say what you want, I still beat you twice," and in that moment he got up from his seat, placed his helmet in his kart and came to stand right in front of me.

For a moment, I didn't know what he was going to do, I felt myself back up slightly as fear got into my head for just an instant; I thought perhaps he didn't enjoy my rubbing of the win in his face. But then he placed both hands on my waist and lifted me from my seat and made my legs come round his waist.

I gulped as a different kind of fear began to come to mind. The look on his face was a slight dark one, as his eyes looked at me with such intensity that my heart was widley beating in my chest. His muscular arms gripped my waist firmly in place as he looked lovingly at my facial features.

I didn't know what to do. I felt myself blush violently and my breathing change as I looked down at my hands that were awkwardly resting on his chest. The silence made it very audible how loud my heart was beating, and as I felt his own heartbeat drum against my fingertips I started to feel nauseous.

Then, it was like Zayn could read what I was feeling as he brought one hand over to cup my chin and then cooed, "shh, I've got you". His voice was deep, and carried a sensual tone that made my head spin as his closeness littered goosebumps on my skin. His hand still rested on my chin, and I couldn't believe he was strong enough to hold me with just one arm around me. But just as I began to think of his arm around my waist, and focused on his touch around that part of my body, I felt myself whimper in alarm.

I didn't want to ruin this moment by reacting stupidly, but I neither knew how to react to such gestures. I felt dizzy as his hand travelled along my cheek and heard him sigh as my whimper reached his ears.

"I'm proud that you won, babe," he whispered and then to my surprise, kissed me briefly on the lips.

I quickly met his eyes in surprise, even though it wasn't the first time he had kissed me, and then felt the same electric feeling shoot down my spine and to the tip of my toes. His handsome eyes rested on mine affectionately and didn't hesitate to close the gap once again.

His kiss added more turmoil to my body that I was convinced I would have collapsed if he hadn't been holding me. I felt nervous as his tongue traced the bottom of my lip and nipped it slightly wanting me to give him entrance to the fullness of my mouth. But as much as the situation alienated me, I felt tranced by his enticing actions and opened my mouth willingly. 

I felt his hand sooth loving circles on my cheek as he tried to control my shaking, and occasionally muttered gentle calms in my mouth knowing that my reaction would be a hesitant one. However, I was slightly proud of the way I was handling the situation, even though I was still a wreck in his arms.

I couldn't believe I was letting Zayn see into my insecurities and my unexperienced handling of such situations, yet he seemed not to care about my overthinking of  the new waters I was getting into, and was rather helpful at making it an easy and, most of all, a comfortable leap for me.

His kiss was enticing, and I felt giddy at his gentle approach to my reactions. His minty taste was enough to make me want more, as I laced my hands around his neck and noticed a small moan leave Zayn's lips as I gripped slightly on his hair.

"Sorry," I mumbled, unsure if the moan was one of pain, but then his chest vibrated as a laugh tickled in my mouth as he shook his head, before replying, "don't stop,".

"Actually, a stop would very much be appreciated," A voice next to us, snapped me back to reality and I leaned away and saw our instructor standing next to us with quite a discomforting look on his face.

Immidiately, I jumped down on the floor and straightened my clothes completely embarrassed that I had been able to let Zayn make me forget about my surroundings and about reality itself.


So, whatcha think? I'd very much appreciate if you guys left comments, I love reading what you think! On the side is a pic of how Zayn looked on the date :)

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