The new student is a kuudere!!!?

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Tsuki was on the window ledge, eating her lunch while the others watched her from the corner of their eyes. She was fully aware that they were watching her, but dismissed it completely. Koro-sensei said authoritatively "Tsuki! Get off that window ledge right now!"

Tsuki's eyes flickered for a second over to the octopus, "I don't want to, octopus," she closed her eyes, almost asleep.

"No sleeping on the window, Tsuki!"

Tsuki opened one eye, this octopus is really starting to get on my nerves. She took out some dango and started to eat it, noting that Koro-sensei was drooling over her treat. Tsuki decided that she didn't want her treat stolen by the octopus and ate it all in one sweep, then threw the stick towards Koro-sensei, he easily grabbed it but didn't notice the anti-Koro dagger coming towards him and got his tentacle chopped off again. The knife clattered to the ground, Koro-sensei was slightly shocked but was relieved that Tsuki hadn't attacked again. Tsuki didn't have any other weapons with her at the moment. Tsuki got off the ledge and walked over, then bent down and picked up her green knife. She looked at it for a few seconds before going for a kill shot at Koro-sensei, he dodged it. I missed... Again..... In one day..... Is he an octopus or a yokai? She put the knife away, making it into a charm behind everyone's back. She stood up and was approached by a red-head. "You're not too bad, Tsuki. I'm Karma Akabane, but call me Karma," Tsuki looked at him, before looking out the window.

Karma had noticed that she had a habit of looking out the window, curious as to why, he did as well, but all he saw was the natural environment of the mountain. Tsuki looked back at Karma, then at the other students and said in her cool tone "I'm going home, Koro-sensei," and she started walking towards the door.

Koro-sensei said "Hey, Tsuki--" he was cut off as Tsuki left her books on the table, open, showing that her book was filled with notes, lots of notes. 

Koro-sensei went to touch the books, but as he did, his tentacle exploded as a BB hit him. Tsuki was holding a Anti-Koro gun. Her eyes were cold as ice, "You let your guard down to easily, octopus..... Also, I was lying about going home," she hid the gun behind her back and it changed back into a charm. 

Koro-sensei was starting to get nervous about the new student, he knew almost nothing about her, and she was an ordinary student yet why does she know weaponry? He asked himself many questions, mostly related to who the hell Tsuki was. Her facade never broke, always cool and cold, never wavering, never faltering. Almost like a...... Kayano said "Oh my god! Tsuki is a kuudere!"

Tsuki's body stiffened up slightly, only Koro-sensei noticed this. She closed her eyes and said "Whatever you say, Kayano," they sweat-drop at her comment, but clearly, she was a kuudere. 

What of course they didn't know was that Tsuki was a bit of a tsundere as well. But she wouldn't tell them that at all.

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