Sunsets In Silhouette Dreams

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Everything was blurry. So very very blurry.

Jason hadn't expected for there to be that many men. He had taken them all out, but he was hurt pretty badly.

He did his best to stumble back to his safe house, but things were turning black pretty quickly. He stumbled a few more blocks before everything faded to black and he fell forward into nothingness.

Well nothingness was relative. He really fell onto the doorstep of Y/N's apartment building.

In his mindless stumbling, he had managed to get turned around and start making his way back to whatever was familiar and his heart had led him back home.

Y/N was on her way back home from work. It was a dangerous thing, roaming the streets of Gotham at night, but sometimes that couldn't be helped.

Usually Dick swung by to walk with her, but he had a "family" thing and couldn't. Which led to the situation she had just stepped into as she approached her building and found the infamous Red Hood unconscious and bleeding on her doorstep.

She froze. The most dangerous man in all of Gotham was here before her and in need of medical attention.

She thought about calling the police, but she also thought of the good the Hood was doing for the city. He may be killing people, but the streets were also so much cleaner because of him.

She honestly couldn't remember helping him into her apartment or patching him up, but here he was on her couch, various bandages wrapped around his body.

She got up and went to wash her hands. When she came back, he was standing up and looking around curiously. He wandered around the room, looking at pictures and knick knacks that she had gathered.

When he picked up a picture of her and Jason, she spoke up. "That's Jay."

He flinched when she spoke, but didn't turn around. He slowly put the picture back where he found it. "Are you okay? I think I might be able to hunt something up for pain."

He shook his head and sat back down, wincing at the strain on his wounds.

"Are you sure? You look like you aren't feeling so well." Y/N moved forward to investigate his wounds.

He stopped her with an outstretched hand before speaking. "It is less the wounds and more the surroundings." His voice came out quietly, his voice modulator masking his real tone.

"I cannot help that. After all, this is my home and I let you in here." Y/N said as she moved to the kitchen. She pulled out a mug. "Do you want some tea?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "I have missed you."

She turned to face him. "What do you mean you missed me?"

She couldn't see it, but his face turned even paler under his hood. "I said that out loud?"

He cursed when she nodded. He tried to think of an excuse, but drew a blank.

He carefully raised his hands and took off his hood. He waited until she turned around and saw him. She gasped and dropped her mug, it shattered and splashed hot tea all over the ground.

He moved to where she stood. "Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?"

He squatted and began to pick up pieces of porcelain. He cleaned up the mess on the floor as Y/N stood frozen, silently watching him.

"You're alive." She breathed.

"Did you not get my message?" He asked as he threw away the broken mug.

"What message?" She asked breathlessly.

"I replied to the one you sent me two weeks ago." He answered, moving to stand in front of her.

He sighed when she shook her head. "Bruce must have deleted it."

"You're alive." She said, reaching up to cradle his face in her hands.

"You already said that." He said with a smile.

"It was worth repeating." She said with a small laugh. "How are you alive?"

He winced and covered her hands with his own. "You don't want to know."

"I'll take your word for it." She slipped one of her hands out from under his in favor of brushing the hair back from his forehead. "I don't really care what happened. What matters is your back."

"I wish it were that easy." He sighed, pulling away. He walked over to where he had laid his helmet earlier. "Have you forgotten about him?" He said, holding up the helmet for emphasis.

"The love of my life just returned from the dead. I think his new persona as a vigilante slash drug lord is the least of my worries." Y/N said in a flat tone. "I can handle almost anything at this point."

"Fair point." Jason said, tossing the helmet to rest in an armchair. "You know, you are almost too calm about all this, especially considering I never told you about anything before... you know."

"Oh, I figured that out two weeks before you died." Y/N said quickly.

"How? Bruce was so careful to makes sure nobody could figure it out."

"You left the pants to your costume under your bed. I saw them while we were 'studying'" Y/N smiled and let her fingers form air quotes. They shared a smile and a laugh before Jason drew near once again. This time he was the one to lift his hand and smooth back the hair from her face.

"I missed you more than I thought possible. I may have been living, but I haven't felt alive again until now." He pulled her to his chest and buried his face in her hair.

"Jason?" Y/N's voice was small and muffled by his shirt.

"Yeah?" He mimicked her quiet tone.

"You... You aren't going to disappear again will you?" Jason pulled back to look her in the eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere. I don't think either of us could survive being apart again." He teased gently.

Y/N smiled widely and pulled him close. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. Just like that the pain and years spent alone melted away. They felt young again, like they were sixteen and kissing each other for the first time.

Who knows how long they would have stood there if-


They pulled back quickly, both of them jumping at the sudden intrusion. Dick had opened the door of Y/N's apartment to find his little brother and best friend kissing. Again.

"OH MY HOLY SHIT!" He squealed. "Okay, okay, okay, I am leaving now. I am not going to tell anyone anything. You two just continue what you were doing. Make sure you use protection. OH MY GOD!" They could hear his excited giggling as he closed the door and ran down the hall.

"Well, that brings up memories that I would have rather not remembered." Jason sighed, his hands on Y/N's shoulders. He looked down at her to find her looking up at him with a look of pure adoration. "Don't give me that look." He said, his thumbs rubbing soothing circles on the fabric of her shirt.

"What look?" She asked, stepping up to him and wrapping her arms around his waist.

"The one that says you love me. The one that makes me want to start kissing you and not stop until the world ends." He replied with a smile, brushing the tip of his index finger against the tip of her nose.

She scrunched her nose. "Well, I wouldn't be opposed to that plan." She said as she brought her face close to his.

Jason just smiled and kissed her again.

You Be The Anchor - Jason Todd x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang