Confused Chapter 4.

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Confused (Punk Justin Bieber)

Chapter 4.

-Rhiannon's POV-

I woke up before all the boys, we all fell asleep on the couch after watching movies and eating, the food and it's wrappers still being everywhere

I got up off the couch and into the kitchen, I looked though the cupboard until I found two metal pots, I smirked

"I am gonna regret this" I whisper, I went back over to couch

"3...2...1" I hit the two pans together making a big banging noise, I did it a few times Chaz and Ryan sat up groaning

"What the hell Rhiannon!" Chaz yelled at me, Justin was still fast asleep

"I didn't do anything" I told him hiding the pots behind my back and acting all innocent

"How the hell is he still sleeping?" Ryan asked also getting up

"Remember when we were thirteen we tipped the bucket if water on him because because he would wake up" Chaz said nudging Ryan

"Let's do it again!" They cheered

"Wait remember he went crazy on us" Chaz said stopping him, they both turned to face me

"What?" I asked

"We need you to wake him up by tipping a whole lot of water in him" Ryan told me

"You know he'll kill someone if I do that" I told them truthfully

"No he'll kill you" Chaz told me

"So why don't you do it?" I said crossing my arms

"Because we all know he likes you best and he won't kill you as much as he would for us" Ryan said

"Kill me as much?"I said laughing

"He'll go crazy but not as much if it's done by you" Chaz told me shrugging

"So what are you guys gonna do while I am being sort of killed?" I asked them

"Probably run" they shrugged

"Alright get me the water quickly" I told them, Justin was on the ground so it won't hurt as much because it's tiles, but I am gonna be in so much trouble after this

"Here" Chaz handed me a contain of water

"Alright hurry up" Ryan said, I waved him off,

I walked over to justin,

"he looks cute when he is sleeping, aww" I said before tipping the water over his head

"What the fuck!" He yelled

"Run" I told them, Ryan and Chaz ran out the door

"You little bitches" I whispered, they got in the car they came in and left, god should have seen that coming

"Who did this?" Justin appeared behind me

I slowly raised my hand, smiling innocently

"I am gonna kill you" he told me, I turned around to run but he grabbed me waist pulling me back,

I started yelling and giggling at the same time, he pulled me to the couch throwing me onto it and him seconds later hovering over me

"Please don't kill me" I told him

He smirked

"Oh no" I whispered, then he started to tickle me, I tried getting out of his grip, I was giggling so much my stomach hurt

"Justin! Stop! Stop!" I yelled in between breathes

"You gonna do it again?" He asked

"No" I said in between breathes

"Good" he said stopping, he got up and helped me up to

"So where's Chaz and Ryan?" He asked

"They are gone, I tipped the water on you and boom they left" I told him giggling, I don't know what's up with me but everything's funny

"I am going to change" he told me

"Cool story" I told him, I turned to sit back on the couch and he wrapped his arm around my waist, and him being tall he picked me up and spun me around,

"Put me down!" I told him and he did, he then just wondered off

"God" I whispered to myself "what do I do now?" I asked myself, I sat down on the ground against the wall, I wrapped my arms around my legs bringing them up to my chest,

I squashed my legs together with my arms, hurting my wrist

"Fuck" I whispered, I looked to my wrist, one of the new cuts is bleeding again "great" I mumbled, I got the hem of my shirt and pushed down on the bleeding area, making it hurt more

"What are you doing?" Justin spoke making me jump

"Umm nothing, just sitting" I told him, wasn't a lie I was sitting

He came and sat next to me against the wall, I flipped my arm over so he couldn't see it

"Why are you sitting here?" He asked me

"Because I had nothing else to do"

"Alrighty then"he smiled "what's your middle name?" He asked randomly

"Why?" I asked

"Because I want to know" he told me, I don't really like my middle name and I don't really tell people

"I can't say" I told him

"Why not I'll tell you mine" he offered

"What's yours?" I asked

"Promise you'll tell me yours?" He asked, we locked pinkies and shook it

"mines Drew, Justin Drew Bieber" he said

"I like that, it sounds cute" I told him

"What's yours?"

"Paige" I said simply

"Aww that's such a cute name" he poked my cheek

"Oi don't do that" I told him smacking his hand

"Do what?" He asked poking my cheek again, I smacked his hand away and he did it again

"Quite it!" I told him

"I ain't doing nothing" he put his hands put in defense

"So poking someone's cheek isn't doing anything?" I asked him

"I wasn't doing anything" he repeated

"So you have said" I mumbled

"Does this annoy you?" He asked me

"Wh-" I stopped when he poked my cheek again

"If I had something I would stab you" I threatened

" funny this is you don't, so you can't" he laughed at me, I got up and walked to his kitchen going threw all the draws until I found a knife

"Alright you can put back down now" he told me, I chucked it back in the draw

"Good" I told him

"Let's play some games now" he told me pulling me over to the couch

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 16, 2014 ⏰

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