Valentine's Day

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Carrie had to stop at the store before going home. She opened the front door, holding it with her foot as she stumbled inside. Her mom came from the kitchen to help her. "Thanks sweetie."

"Your welcome mom," she said, grabbing Harrison's sweatshirt and pulling it over her head. "Where's Harrison? He was supposed to be here a half hour ago.

Her mom shrugged, as Carrie got a water bottle from the fridge. Her brother Todd came in. "Do you know where Harrison is?" She asked.

"No idea," he muttered, pushing by her.

"Not helping people!" Carrie said angrily. "And why are all the blinds closed in this house?"

Opening the blinds on the window above the sink, she saw him in the backyard, a trail of lights and rose pedals leading up to a small table. Carrie dropped her water in the sink, running out in the backyard.

Harrison stood up, catching her in his arms. "Harrison!"

She pulled his face to hers for a kiss. He set her down, still kissing her. Carrie ran her hands down his chest, tugging at his tie. "You didn't have to wear a tie."

"Maybe I felt like it," he smiled.

Harrison pulled out the other chair for her. After she sat down, he ran inside, grabbing the food. He came back, laughing at her eyes following the steak. "Hungry sweetheart?"

"I'm ready for the really good steak."

Carrie was done with her steak by the time he finished cutting his. "Holy crap."

"I could eat this anytime."

He laughed, shaking his head before digging into his steak. She helped herself to the salad and eventually to the brownies.

After Harrison finished his food, they lay on the grass watching the stars. "I love you so much Harry. I don't know what I'd do without you."

He kissed her cheek. "I love you Carrie."


They watched two movies before Carrie fell asleep on him. Harrison picked her up, carrying her upstairs bridal style. Gently, he set her down on her bed, tucking her under the covers.

"Happy Valentine's Day sweetheart. I love you."

He kissed her, and to his surprise, felt her lips return the kiss. "I know."

"I'll be over tomorrow."

Carrie sat up, pulling the covers back a bit. "You could stay here."

Harrison sat down on the edge of her bed. "What will your parents say? They won't kill me right?"

She pulled him onto her bed, pulling the covers around him as well. "I don't care and they're not going to kill you."

He laid his head next to hers. "You sure?"

Wrapping her arms around him, she whispered, "they like you. You're the first one they've approved of me dating. And my dads a hard ass on guys."

"They're not going to think we're-"


Harrison smiled, snuggling closer to her. She turned so he was now laying behind her. He wrapped his arms around her, her head resting on his arm. "Night Harrison."

"Goodnight Carrie."

Carrie smiled, closing her eyes, happy to be wrapped up in her lovers arms.

The next morning, Carrie could hear her brother knocking on her door, asking what she wanted for breakfast. She saw him come in and gasp, "Carrie!"

"Shut up Todd," she muttered.

Todd flew out, Carrie hearing his footsteps all the way downstairs. She heard him tell her mom, "Carrie's sleeping with him!"

And her mom answered simply. "Leave your sister alone," causing Carrie to giggle.

She fell back asleep, her mom coming up a few minutes later. "Carrie, what do you want for breakfast?"

Her eyes opened enough to see her mom standing in the doorway. "Pancakes."

"And Harrison?"

"Probably the same. And mom could you tell Todd to shut up?"

"I did and the pancakes will be ready in a half hour sweetie."

"Thanks mom," she said as her mom left.

Carrie rolled back over, snuggling against his chest. He woke up, kissing her forehead. "Pancakes okay?"

"Yeah sweetheart."

She pulled him close. Closing her eyes, she settled in for a few more minutes of sleep.

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