The battle of our lives

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Washington used to be too boring for me but now that is surrounded not only by zombies but also BOWS (Bio Organic Weapons) commanded by the Red Queen ready to kill any human life they found, it looks kind of funny.
I turn to my left and I see that my friends Leon and Ada are worried meanwhile at my right Jill and Wesker are ready. I remember my life for a few seconds, I remember how all this started. The mansion, 15 years ago, the Red Queen killing everyone on The Hive, Spence, Kaplan, One, Rain, Matt, all them dead.

The zombies hordes start trespassing the first defenses and we need to be ready. Luckily us, I have my power back, fighting this things is gonna be easily. The first shots comes from behind us and hit a flying creature that was closer, it falls down and that's when I take my two guns and start shooting from the high to the zombies that are below. The big machine guns shoot to the lickers, the kipepeos, the axemans and the other bows.

Another Kipepeo gets closer and I jump over it, if we are going to finish this once and for all I need to be on the ground where most of the fighting is tacking place. Is hard to stay on the air so when the kipepeo gets closer to the floor I jump and shoot it, it falls into the ground at the same time I do, the difference between it and I is that I get up. That's when I realized my friends have followed me to the ground, all of them less Wesker.

The sound of the zombies in front of me makes me concentrate, there're thousands of them. I use my guns to kill as many zombies as I can but when I run out of bullets I start using my fists. It isn't enough, the zombies keep coming.

I feel a small quake on the ground that began to increase, when I look up I discover that a extremely big axeman is running right to me, pushing all the zombies in his way apart. I try to focus for using my powers on him but for a strange reason nothing happens, a headache appears, suddenly I can't move even when Jill runs and try to push me, I am just frozen.

The axeman is getting closer but the more I try to use my powers, the more my body can't moves. I start feeling how my heart slowly stops, I can't breath, I can't even keep my eyes open. Finally the axeman stands just a few centimeters in front of me. I heard the screams of my friends and I barely see how all they shoot to the monster in front of me.

My eyes close, I can't help them, I can't even help me. I don't know what is happening, I was fine until Wesker injected me back the T-virus.
Suddenly, I understand everything, I understand why Wesker helped me escaping form the Umbrella facility, why he has left, why he returned me my powers, all it was a trap.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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