A family memeber dies

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Your cousin

It was a sunny day on May 4, 2013. You had to help out and do some fundraising for the horse farm you ride at. You were driving back when you get a call from your dad. Saying that your cousin y/c/n was killed in a motorcycle accident. Y/c/n even had a 2 month old baby with his/her fiancé. You were closer to your cousins sister but it was enough to make your heart hurt. But see you're the strong type of person. You don't cry... usually. You got home and told Niall everything all the stories you had of you and your cousin. A couple of days later at the viewing you were helping out greeting family it was really upsetting. Niall was there every step of the way but he just didn't understand why you never cried. What he didn't know is that to you crying was a sign of weakness and Niall always knew you were a tough person, I mean c'mon you beat up a chic because she was flirting with Niall any ways. Finally around 10:30 it was over everyone was gone but a little bit of your family. You were standing with your other cousins and their mom looking at your cousin in the casket. That cold, desolate body just broke you, that's when you finally cried. So your other cousin who you've been talking to since the accident knew you don't cry looks over at you and says "you finally cried" so you told him to shut up. And you go find Niall and just cry and cry and cry into him. With him soothing you and whispering "it'll be okay and just let it all out princess cry it's okay" he even shed tears because when you started dating you took him to meet all your family and y/c/n was one and her sister to. They got along great. So you understood why he cried. The next day at the funeral was just so rough. But of course your amazing boyfriend was right there with you.


Yeah I wrote this off of personal experience my cousin Megan was killed In a motorcycle accident with her fiancé. Leaving behind their two month old baby. Yes I didn't cry I'm a tough kinda girl and tears are a sign of weakness to me and I'm not weak. Yes at the viewing when everyone left I cried looking at her. Actually I still cry to this day. And their baby Parker is the sweetest little thing ever :) okay imma stop now I'm crying.

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