Chapter 7

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"So what's good what's general idea or plan?" my father set down his fork "Well it's good to see you to boo boo and Jr. Well its obvious that you both are doing and you have a partner as well which is great news. So lets update how's life?" I finished  my bite of my sandwich before I spoke "Well I do have a partner and I have a inner wolf and all that magical stuff.. So that's basically it really" They both nodded "But anyway the main reason is that the witches Wolf Claws, Medusa, and Arachnid have teamed up and possibly others. The encounter me and Red had was a set up for me. They sent out there pet animal or whatever it was to attack me and drug me with what appears to be black blood and I don't have any side effects so far but I know there will be sometime soon.. So how about you two" My brother cleared his throat "Well I was recently got in contact with the same three they have failed to inject with me anything but they will sooner or later." My father stood up "Well we'll continue this discussion tomorrow go get some sleep." The the three of us stood up as we headed out the room but Spirit stayed "May I speak with you sir" my father sat down folding his hands in front of his hands "Speak your mind.." and slammed his hands on the table slightly glaring at him "What the hell was that back just now huh?  You called her mother Wolf Claws did you not tell me that part sir?" My father kept his calm face "She doesn't know but I have a pretty general idea that she already does. Kids tend to grow highly curious when adults don't tell them something that want to know so badly." Spirit calmed himself down "That's true.. Im guessing you're hiding more from her.." My father stood up "I thinks it's time for you to rest of instead of asking questions when you could be doing that yourself DeathScythe so watch your tongue. Goodnight" My father left the room leaving Spirit uneased. Spirit headed back to the room to see me almost falling asleep then sitting up. I smiled sleepily as I was wearing his shirt with no pants but pajama short shorts. He blushed as he got undress and climbed in the bed wrapping his arms around as we snuggled falling asleep....

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