Dismissal and Why I Hate It

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So, at my school we have grade 7-11. For dismissal you would think that my school would let 7th grade out before 8th, then 8th then 9th amd so on and so forth...BUT NO!!! They make all the grades leave school at the same time!!!

So, we get dismissed at 3:10 from 8th period and me being one of the shorter people in my grade, I always get toppled by people!! Its so annoying! Why can't my school let one grade out at a time!!

Me and my friends lockers aren't close to eachoter, so before we go to our buses I have to run and find them. While walking out to buses, people are pushing amd shoving like the bus is going to leave without them. I mean, come on, why would you run to your bus when you know it's not leaving without you.

At my school, you are not allowed to have your phones out until you get on the bus. And how many people do you think follow that rule? I do, but so many people get their phones taken away and they get a detention. I mean, you can wait five minutes, your not running a business on your phone or anything...SO PUT THE DAMN PHONES AWAY!!!!

Acrolight, virtual_reality, zues2014, and Sin_filled_Shipper are all in my last period class, History. My teacher says that we can't leave until exactly 3:10. So, we can't even move from our seats until exactly that time!!! Its so annoying!!

So, when I get out of my class, you can hear the madness. Kids screaming, people pushing, it's crazy...WHY THE HELL DO YOU NEED TO PUSH?? So, I get to one of my friends, Kayla's locker, shes an 8th greader, and I say hi, and she PHUSHES me!! Like "EXCUSE ME, DID I ASK YOU TO PUSH ME INTO PEOPLE, THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT!!!"

Hope you enjoyed hearing about my struggles during dismissal:)

They are my friends and I love them, as friends obviously.

No I have a challenge for you:

Comment your rants about school and tag at least 2 people who you think would laugh if they read this!

Love you guys and have a great Thursdy:)

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