Valentines Un-Love

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In truth, I don't hate Valentines Day,

Or the dentist who drills my decay, my tooth,

After all those candy-heart-sweets, after the kissing booth.

On the outside I look tough to love,

Like I'm too tough for love

But I'm not, no one is,

After all you're sweet,


In truth I'm still alone,

I don't mind but,

All I wanted was for you to call my heart a home

But it's not, this day only makes it worse.

Because I'm the hopeless romantic without hope

Because I'm the flower without color

Because I'm just a bird without a song to sing

What makes people think love is a wrong thing?

What happened to flattery, to feeling?

Or to a kiss that made fireworks, sending conscience reeling?

Valentines Day has lost it's touch,

I don't mind but

Mankind's hate is much too much.

A man once said

"Love makes love."

But now he's dead,

The balance of power has switched

Every man bewitched with hate

So every second on this god-forsaken date,

I remember what love once meant.

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