Chapter One: Time Stops

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Chapter One: Time Stops

"They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true. What they don't tell you is that when it starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up"

-Edward Bloom in "Big Fish"



Waking up felt no different than it always had. Before even the hint of the crack of dawn I was out of my bed, fully stretched and ready to hop into the shower.

After quickly scrubbing myself down with soap, and lathering my hair with shampoo, I made my way over to the bathroom counter and brushed my teeth. Neatly rolling my hair into a towel, I quickly headed to the vanity in my room.

Seated at my vanity I hastily applied makeup and undid my hair from the towel, then went downstairs to grab a banana for breakfast. Absentmindedly I munched on the sweet mush and ran my fingers through the still damp knots in my hair.

Checking the clock on the oven, I realized that I had only 10 minutes left to get ready for the school day. Running upstairs I messily braided my hair, then tossed all of my materials into my bag haphazardly.

I rushed down the stairs and tumbled out the door, hurling towards my bus stop.

The school day was as blandly average as ever. I made my way from class to class, from person to person. All the while seemingly in a daze, not thinking of anything but the night that was to come. The anticipation was welling up inside of me, and I wore an emotionless mask to cover it up.

It was only my best friend Penelope that even noticed the cloud I was floating on, as expressed by her hurtling me into a conversation.

"Thinking about Anthony again?" Penelope inquired with an air of mock innocence about her. I rolled my eyes and glared at her through slits.

"No," I replied exasperatedly.

"Come on, I know that look on your face. Are you hanging out with the guys tonight?" She shot at me from across the lunch table.

Obviously, the faint blush that began to creep onto and possess my cheeks was sufficient response, as she gave me a cheeky smirk, and left the matter alone. After a few more minutes of silently eating, the lunch bell rang and we went our separate ways, with just two more hours until the end of school.

By the end of my last class of the day a suspicion that something big would take place tonight began to overtake me. I left school and rushed home, anticipation blooming within myself. Tonight I was scheduled to go and spend a night on the town with a few of my friends, as per usual.

The only thing that could explain my giddiness that was bubbling in my stomach, causing butterflies to rupture and flitter was the ever growing affection I had felt towards Anthony.

Anthony was full of life, happiness, a light burning so bright, that I myself was drawn to him, wishing to partake and bathe in his everlasting light. And I knew that I would later that night.

Hopping in the shower for the second time that day, I quickly washed away the tiredness that came of the school day. Stepping out, I peered at myself in the mirror, grimacing back at me was an awfully plain face.

Rubbing my eyes scornfully I wrapped myself in my robe and sauntered to my room. Blasting the radio, I began to dress. One leg at a time, I slid on my slim skinny jeans and pulled a tank top over my head. Singing along with the nameless song playing on the radio I began to apply my makeup, rubbing in my moisturizer gently as I daydreamed.

My thoughts quickly wandered to Anthony as I robotically applied my makeup. His hair, the color of chestnuts, infiltrated my mind, and the need to run my hands through them itched my fingers. The honey brown eyes set in his face haunted my thoughts. I knew better than to get my hopes up though at that point, I could not have forgotten our past.

Shaking the negative thoughts from my mind I rose from my vanity, deciding to call my best friend, Penelope, finished with my makeup, and still waiting for my hair to dry.

The boring monotone rang as I willed her to pick up, craving company suddenly. Eventually her chirpy voice echoed through the receiver and we began our conversation.

Like any other normal teenage girls would do, we laughed and gossiped. Confiding in her, I admitted how my gut was telling me that something big was to happen tonight, something that would shake me to my twisted and gnarled foundation. Superstitious as ever, Penelope insisted that I read my cards, tarot cards that is, before heading out for the evening.

Scoffing but unable to disappoint her, I went and found my deck and began to shuffle the cards, then proceeded to cut the cards according to my own desire. Allowing destiny to take its part, I swallowed deep and asked one question, and one question only.

"What is in store for me tonight?"

Shutting my eyes tight I held my breath in anticipation and flipped the top card on my deck, revealing the two of cups. A smile bubbled its way up to my lips. This card proclaimed dire romance, and I just knew in my heart that I would finally have my second chance with Anthony tonight.

Feeling that my hair was adequately dry, and my straightener to be hotter than the pit of Hades I set to straightening out my raven colored locks.

After nearly half an hour of destroying my hair, it finally looked presentable. Brushing my fingers through my hair I looked once again in the mirror, complacent with the way that I looked.

Since I was done indulging my vanity, I made the decision to indulge my appetite. Heading towards the kitchen I pulled out my favorite pan and grabbed two frozen slabs of fish from the freezer.

I stuck them into the microwave to defrost, then threw the pan on the stove and drizzled oil into it. While waiting for the pan to heat up I pulled the now defrosted fish from the microwave and prepared a batter to roll it in before ultimately sticking it on the pan to fry. As I was flipping the fried fish filets from the pan onto two separate plates, my father bustled in.

Kissing me on the cheek in greeting I pulled back and smiled at my father. His warm eyes crinkled in adoration before flickering toward the kitchen table and rubbing his hands together in anticipation.

"That smells delicious!" He exclaimed.

He rushed to the kitchen sink to wash his hands, then settled down at the table. Beaming up at me from his seat, he gestured for me to sit down and join him so he could dig in. I sat down at the table and took his hand in mine, quickly mumbling grace, before partaking in dinner.

After I was finished I glanced at the time, seeing that it was already 7 at night, I nearly had a mini-heart attack.

"I'm sorry dad but I have to go meet up with Anthony and Brad now!" I yelled as I threw on a sweater and grabbed my wallet, rushing out of the house with my skateboard in hand.

I hurriedly made my way over to the indoor skate park, nearly plowing into an elderly woman walking her pet dog. Apologizing in a fluster I continued and skidded to a stop at the entrance to the skate park where I spent many nights with Anthony and Brad.

Opening the door and admiring the smell of stale air, I breathed in deep. Looking across the way, I saw Brad jumping up and down excitedly, waving to me, on a rickety picnic table that was tucked away in a corner at the side opposite of the entrance.

I beamed at him and Anthony who was by his side. Suddenly I noticed two other figures standing by their side, one looking at me with fascination, and the other scowling.

Realization at who one of them was dawned on me, and a cold sweat broke out on my forehead as I saw the boys making their way over to me.

I swear, true to what they say, time stops.

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