Chapter two

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RYLAND wandered down to his kitchen when he heard a small buzz from his pocket. He quickly fumbled to open his phone and saw a text from Amy.

Amy❤️❤️: hey ry do you have school today?

Ry💦💦: Nah it's a snow day.

Amy❤️❤️: good 😘

Ry💦💦: why???

Amy❤️❤️ is offline

Ry stared at their messages for a moment before going back to his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


After finishing his sandwich he went back to his sofa and flopped down in front of his tv to see what was on. 

I could go for a tart right about now... Ry thought, but he was too lazy to go buy some.

Suddenly his phone buzzed. It was Amy. Amy had sent a photo of a familiar house. Too familiar. Suddenly it hit Ry. This was his house!

He heard a knock on his door and he ran to answer it, hoping it wasn't just a fluke. Hoping beyond everything else that this was the love of his life behind the wooden door.

He set his hand down on the door handle and slooooowlllly twisted it.

JUST KIDDING he'd never take his time if he thought it was Amy! He whipped open the door and took in her beautiful figure, dark hair, and chocolates brown eyes.

A smile crept onto his face as he embraced her and whispered in her ear, "I didn't realize you were taller than me"

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