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Interview: x_Luminous_x

What can we call you (name)?  

The name's Danni!

Where are you from?  

Bonnie auld Scotland!

What is your favorite hobby(besides writing)?  

Watching anime, drawing, listening to music and spending many a late night on tumblr!

Coffee or tea?  

Coffee. Have you TRIED cappuccino?

Interesting fact?  

I have a pet magpie named Ping for reals xD

What book(s) are you reading now? 

Hmm, published ones? None that I can say. I used to be a reader, but once I started writing any good book I read just makes me want to write, so I do that instead. XD

Who are your favorite Wattpad authors?  

I rarely read on here and I'm not really sure why, but the ones I do read are: One of my best friends in real life, PaigeyLou, Lady_Lucia and Annany (Did I get the n's in the right order haha?) and I've got my eye on a few other author's who seem promising I'd like to read as well when I get a moment :)

When and why did you start writing? 

At age 11 my teacher at school would give us a prompt for a short story to write in class and I think that made me realise that I liked it. I'm glad I had a teacher who encouraged it. However, it wasn't until 15 that I actually took it up as a hobby without being told to at school xD As soon as I found wattpad I started writing the story idea I had. Being able to share ideas with people gave me the inspiration to finally write again!

Is there a specific genre that you like to read/write? 

It's not a genre in it's self, but I like a book that's downright dark with a bit of romance. I'm very found of writing that kind of book myself.

What or who inspires you in your work? 

What inspires me the most is music with a bit of anime influence. Anime I like because there's absolutely no limits in the medium and anything fresh and original like that I find inspiring. A favourite of mine is called Madoka Magica because it completely tears down any preconceptions you have about what it's going to be about and the animation is so artsy and trippy, I find it really inspiring.

Can you tell us a bit about your current story and why people would want to read it? 

Losielette and the Boy With the Mechanical Heart is about a girl who's life becomes entangled with that of a convict time traveller. It's a mixture of fantasy and sci-fi with a romance in it, and hopefully a bit of horror later on. All my characters are nuts and perhaps all a little twisted xD I think underneath everything it's quite a dark story.

Is there a message for your readers in your work? 

Yes. The basic concept of it is that science has gone too far and when it gets to a point that humans are playing god, there will be consequences.

Do you have any advice for other writers? 

Uhrm. Just write the story you'd like to read :D

Is there anything else you would like add? 

Thank you!

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