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"You know I could beat you, Annabeth." I grinned. Annabeth shot me a thundery look, grey eyes gleaming like a storm.

"You wanna bet?" Annabeth growled, unsheathing her dagger.

This was probably a really bad idea.

"Not really, Wise Girl. Gotta go, Bye!" I shouted behind my shoulder, across the Zeus' fist clearing.

"OH NO YOU DONT, SEAWEED BRAIN!" She shouted, racing after me.

"Oh hey, G-Man! Y'think you could distract my girlfriends for me? I dont really feel like dying today."

"What did you do?!" Grover sighed. 

"I haven't got time to explain! I'll plant a few new trees for you if you do!" I said, sprinting away. Unfortunately, I ran into Chiron's... back end. "Aw come on!" I grumbled. 

"Oh, Hello Percy!"  Chiron said. "Just the boy I was looking for." 

"Whatever you think I did, I didn't do it." I breathed. 

"No, No. We have a bit of a dillema. I was looking for the rest of The Seven and Mr. di Angelo." Chiron said. 

"Well Annab-ARGH!" I shouted. I felt some extra weight pounce onto my back and something cold and triangular press onto my neck. 

"Oh, hey Chiron." She said. 

"I'd appreciate it if you got off Mr. Jackson, Annabeth. He's going a bit purple." Chiron chuckled. 

"Sorry, Percy." Annabeth growled. 

"Yeah, yeah." I said, rubbing a little bit of blood off of the back of my neck. 

"Now, kids. I need you to go and fetch the Seven and Nico, please." Chiron said, trotting away. 

"I'll get Leo, Nico, Hazel and Jason." I said. 

"Okay, see at the Big House in five." Annabeth said, sprinting off. I turned towards Cabin Nine, looking at its puffing smokestacks and metal door. 

I opened the door and screamed "HEY YO, LEO! MEET ME AT THE BIG HOUSE IN FIVE!" 


I slammed the metal door shut and sprinted down to Cabin One. I didn't knock, due to the fact that: 

1. Jason could care less. 

2. I hate Zeus. 

3. Zeus hates me. 

"Hey, Jase. Meet me, Leo, Hazel and Nico at the Big House in five." 

"See you there." He said. I sprinted down a few more cabins to the Hades cabin, its greek fire torches burning above the door. I knocked on this one because Nico would probably set skeletons on me for the rest of my life and then Hazel would bury me in tonnes of precious stones and metal. 

"Yeah, Perce?" Hazel asked.

"Chiron wants The Seven and Nico in the Big House ASAP." I said

"Alright, we'll see you there." Hazel smiled. 

I sucked in a breath and started sprining back towards the sky blue house. 

"I-i'm here!" I heaved. I feel like I want to puke, but I can't puke because I'll probably suffocate myself and die. 

"Whoa, Seaweed Brain! You still had a couple minutes left to get here! You didn't need to almost kill yourself!" Annabeth chuckled. 

"T-thanks for th-that" I breathed. 

"Come along, children. I have something important I need you to do for the camp." Chiron sighed. 

"Alrightio Chir' Lets go, gang!" Leo said, 'swaggering' into the Rec Room. 

Chiron sighed. "Percy, if you please, could you make some mist for me?" 

"Sure." I said. I concentrated on the water fountain and boiling kettle exploding. The hot and cold water met in a flow and mist flowed. Chiron tossed a golden drachma in to the mist flow. 

"O Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, Accept my offering. Show me Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He chanted. The Iris-Message flickered and connected. 

"Oh, Hello, Chiron!" The man in the message said. He had a long white beard, twinkling blue eyes and half-moon glasses. 

"Professor Dumbledore. I decided to notify you that my chosen eight campers will be arriving tomorrow, the approximate time is unsure." Chiron said, smiling. 

"That is fine. Do you wish my students to know that your campers are well, demigods?" The Dumbledore man asked.

"I think your students should know that my campers are coming, not that they are demigods. I think the demigods should tell them that in their own time." Chiron said. 

"Very well. I shall see you tomorrow, Demigods." Dumbledore smiled, swiping his hand through the message. 

"And this is a school for Hecate kids?" Jason asked. 

"Not children of Hecate, no. But decendants of the Goddess Hecate." Chiron said.

"So what... exactly do we have to do?" Annabeth asked. 

"You must go forth, to the land of the third species." Chiron said 

"What do you mean, the third species?" I asked 

"Wizards. They have their own enemies. Lord Voldermort, for example. We believe that Gaia and Lord Voldemort are teaming up. This is extremely bad. You must become allies, work together to destroy your enemies." 


That's the prologue! I hope you all like it. 



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