"Grown ass man, you can say and do whatever you want to who you want. I know this." I said smiling

"Glad you know." He said smiling too

I smiled and stood up to walk to him

"I don't like your dress." He said standing up also

"What? Why not? Is it ugly?" I asked and stopped walking to look down at it

"No, it's to short." He said and wrapped his arms back around my waist

"It is not." I said smiling

"Yes it is! Your private damn near showing."

"Okay, now you're lying." I said shaking my head and wrapping my arms around his neck

"Good thing you got this around your waist, cause this right here." He squeezed my butt with his left hand and used his right arm to keep me in place "Is all mine."

"I think not. This belongs to nobody." I said and moved his hand

"If I say it's mine and I mark my territory, it's mine."

"When did you mark me?" I asked

"There." He pointed to the hickey on my neck

"Don't remind me." I rolled my eyes

"What? You don't like it?"

"No, not that."

"Good, now I can do this."

He tilted my head to the opposite side the hickey was on and I felt his tounge on my neck AGAIN! He started sucking and gave me ANOTHER hickey. I rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me

"I'm going to need you to stop doing that!" I said

"Yeah yeah. What you doing today?" He asked

"Me and one of my best friends going to the bar after school because her and Vicky set me up a blind date, and we go-"

"Hold on, blind date? You ain't going." He said shaking his head

"What you mean? You don't belong to me and I can do what I wa-"

"I said you're not going end of discussion." He said letting me go and walking back to his desk

"And I said I don't belong to you. I'm going to see if I can find someone for me and that's final." I crossed my arms

"If you going than get out my classroom and don't talk to me at all today."

"Ight." I shrugged and walked out

I made my way to the nearest bathroom up here and pulled out my makeup to cover up his "marks". When I was done I made my way down stairs and too the gym

"Wussup Kayla." A guy said and licked his lips

I did a slight wave and kept walking

"Man I wish she was mine." Another guy attempted to whisper to his friend

I rolled my eyes and stopped to look around for Aaleeyah. Once I found her she was on the top row of bleachers all hugged up with her boyfriend, Nathan

"Hey." I mumbled and sat beside them and pulling out my phone

"What's wrong boo?" Aaleeyah asked

"Nothing, just not feeling it this morning." I answered honestly

"Mhm, you just be ready for this blind date."

"I am."

"Be nice to him."

"No promises."

"So you just gone dry talk all day."


"What's really going on with you?" She asked

"Well, I was seeing someone in my 7th period class, and we met back up in the classroom. We wasn't dating or anything, but he got very upset when I told him I was going on a blind date. He told me if I was going then not to talk to him." I vented

"Was you feeling him, Kayla?" She asked and grabbed my hands

"Yes." I admitted it

"Was you falling for him?"


"Did you want to be with him?"


"Than go be with him. We can still go to the bar but I'll cancel your date."

"Go be with him? I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"We just had a full blown out argument, and you don't know what this guy does." I said looking down at our hands

"Trust me, I know. Victoria told me." She said "She told me how happy y'all looked together at Panera Bread yesterday."

"What if he doesn't want to talk to me?"

"Give him time and he will come around eventually." She said and the bell rung

"Thank you." I said as we stood up and hugged

"Anything for you baby." She said rubbing my back

We released from our hug and I made my way to class. As I was walking upstairs to the 2nd floor for History, I saw Chris coming down. He looked at me and I turned my head to make it seem as I wasn't staring at him

Give him time.  Aaleeyahs voice repeated in my head

I walked into class and everybody looked at me. I got seductive, lustful looks from boys and mugs, and turned up looks from the girls

"That bitch cannot dress. Who wears a fuckin' flannel wit' a dress?" One of the ugly ass mean girls said loud enough for everyone to hear

All the girls laughed as the boys smacked their lips

"Says the girl that I caught buying tracks from Family Dollar." I said

Everybody oo'ed and she stood up to get in my face

"Bitch what you just say?"

"Watch the fucking word, that's not what my mama named me and I damn sho' don't walk on four legs and eat dog food. Don't let the height and proper slang fool you bitch." I said and looked her straight in the face

"Brinisha bout to get her ass whooped!" One of the funny guys yelled making everybody laugh

"Ain't nobody scared of this li' hoe."

"Hoe? Woooow. I haven't had a boyfriend a day in my life, while it's just the 2nd day of school and I'm already hearing you fucked 4 dudes in the janitors closet." I said

"I heard that too." The fine guy from lunch yesterday said

"Bitch I'm tired of your mouth! Wussup!"

And as soon as I was about to hit this bitch with this damn book, somebody snatched it out of my hand and picked me up carrying me out of the room.

"Put me down! What the fuck!" I yelled over the tardy bell ringing

I got pulled into a dark classroom and was slammed against the wall gently

   Excuse the mistakes, didn't really feel like editing

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