Jeff Hardy & Trish Stratus #1

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, we're you expecting someone, besides us." Lita stated.

"What? not at all. Um, I think we should get to that meet-and-greet." Jeff eagerly tried to change the subject.

"Yes." They eventually got into the car and drove to their destination. The meet and greet was located at a mall, and about two hours later was when it ended. Soon after that Vince texted him.

"Oh um Matt, I gotta go. I'll call a cab or something. Vince wanted to talk to me."

"Jeff just take the car, Ames and I are gonna look around a bit, we'll call dad or something." Matt said.

"Alright, bye."

"Jeff be careful." Matt stated in a serious tone.

"I will. You too." Jeff rushed out of the Mall to avoid any other fans possibly around. Once he got the rental car, he drove to the arena. He was still a bit concerned about the meeting, so he quietly panicked but as soon as he got into Vince's office that feeling soon stopped. For a matter of fact, he couldn't move he was in a state of shock.

"Hey Jeff." A feminine voice said.

"Hi Trish." Jeff built up enough courage to say.

"Glad you finally made it Jeff, now sit down." Vince said. He took a seat right next to the blonde. "Now you're probably wondering why you're here. Do you remember a rumor going around about the both of you being in a relationship." They nodded as he continued on. "Well I, myself, with no help from the creation department at all, thought about putting the both of you into a onscreen love angle. I can see it now, Jeff and Trish will be a big thing. The fans will love it but there is one issue." Vince stated.

"What is it?" Trish spoke up.

I want Jeff to be a 100% healthy when we do this." Jeff nodded as Vince continued. "Your on screen rival at the moment will be implemented into this storyline as well." Trish rolled her eyes at Vince's words. "And by the way, Trish, you and Jazz actually make me believe y'all hate one another." Vince smiled crookedly towards her.

Trish mumbled under her breathe. "We do."

"This storyline will bring in lots of money, and fans too, so Jeff be ready." Vince stated.

"Don't worry, I will." Jeff smiled.

"Good, now go." Vince said as Trish and Jeff stood up and walked out. Once outside Vince's door Trish groaned in pain a bit, due to a huge headache from the headshot she took a week before.

"Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, I'll take some more pain killers. I'll be fine." Trish smiled to assure him that she was okay.

"Whew, I was worried about you. Especially after I seen you get thrown into the steel steps." Trish smiled at Jeff's concern for her.

"I'm fine, Jeffro." He smiled at her. "The real question is are you okay, is your neck healing properly? Also when exactly are you suppose to come back?"

"I'm okay, I guess... I didn't break my neck, I just sprained it, so the doctors gave me about 3months or so. Being out on injury is horrible. I'm at home honestly doing nothing. I draw and make music from time to time, but I miss the ring." He frowned.

"Yeah, that injury might suck but Jeff, think positive. You'll be back soon, and I'm looking forward to working with you." Trish smiled.

"I'll be looking towards that as well. Also, I heard your new entrance theme, I like it."

"Thanks, I think it's a bit catchier than the T and A one anyway." She giggled.

"So um, wanna catch up like over lunch or dinner or something, I understand if you can't."

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