"Are you okay?" My voice wavered and I had to clear my throat, he lifted me off his lap and set me on the ground. I watched his hands rub at his tail and his eyebrows pushed together in an almost pained expression.

 "Zetzu?" His eyes closed and he reached up to his face and suddenly peeled away a layer of the scales marking his cheeks.

 My mouth opened in awe as the skin peeled away in a single sheet, he peeled it back but stopped when his arms couldn't get at his back. His face twisted in pain, "Every fucking time!" He changed position to try and grab the shedding skin.

 Witch shaking hands I reach up and tug at the skin holding back a smile as it slowly pulled off his back, he stiffened and looked at me wide-eyed "V-vince what a-are you doing?" His voice sounded off and very breathy. I pulled gently at his skin again and a violent shudder ran up his back, his shoulders rolled back.

 "Ah, damnit. Damn it! Please just take it all off!" He sounded desprate, jumping at his sudden pleading yell I quickened my pace and gradually reached his hips. He whined at me and used his hands to walk his body away from me so the skin came off faster.

 After an hour of his heavy breathing and pained look I managed to peel the rest off his tail, I had put the skin in the bathtub and it was now overflowing with super large snake skin. I looked at Zetzu's body and a smiled pulled on my face as his scales shined a rainbow of colors over his bright tans, browns, and blacks.

 His entire body collapsed and he slid against a wall with his eyes closed, I tilted my head tossing a towel over his naked waist before leaning down and touching his tail.

 He hummed at me "That... feels nice." I glanced at him to see a soft smile on his face as my hand ran over his belly scales. I could see a very faint salmon color marking the pale tan scales of his belly, small black speckles linned either side of his belly.

 I stopped petting him and looked at the skin filling the bathtub, "Does it hurt when you shed?" I ask turning to him, his eyes opened looking cloudy still. He reached a hand up and I flinched when he peeled the cloudy lense off his eye. I shuddered and my eyes watered as I watched him do it again. He looked at me with clear, shining eyes "Its not really pain, it just gets so ichy its almost painful but if I scratch then it shreds the skin and I'm stuck picking small patches off my scales for days after."

 He shuddered and shook his head "Its like having a rough blacket wrapped around your body, able to reach every crease, every small space with its clingy fabric. It sucks. Usually it takes me the whole day to shed, I can't reach my back and I have to stop very often to re-oil the skin so it doesn't dry and make 10 times worse."

 I hide a smile and run my fingers over his scales again before standing and digging threw the cabinet and finding a razor blade. I shuffle in behind Zetzu's weak looking body and start cutting his hair.

 I cut it short in the back getting only a little longer in the front so it hung just in his eyes, quickly I grab the hair drier under the sink and the hair gel. I pushed a small amount of gel in his damp hair and turned the blowdrier on. His eyes closed as I ran my hand threw his hair repeatedly until it was spiked back. I smiled and grabbed a frew strands licking my finger and having those strands sitting in random placed in the middle of his forehead.

 I blew them back so they didn't lay flat and smiled again at my success, I was so focused on his hair then when he leaned forward I didn't realize he was kissing me until his forked tongue flicked into my mouth.

 My eyebrows pushed together as his tail wrapped around my waist and I was suddenly lying on the bathroom floor. My eyes drooped and I finally got around to kissing him back, my arms sliding up to hug his neck. My tongue pressed on something sharp and I realized he had extremely sharp teeth, he pulled back allowing us both to breath.

 His mouth twitched, eyes staying shut as his tongue flickered out of his mouth and brushed my cheek. His nose twitched then and he smiled, his tongue flicked over my jaw then down my neck. His eyes opened and vibrated as he stared at me "You smell good."

 I blushed when something seemed to come back to me, Todd's friends were right. Maybe I was gay, but I still liked women so was I bi? Or did I just like Zetzu?

 He was male and that didn't bother me as much as I thought it would have, of course the fact that he's part snake only serves to attract me more. What would it be like to have sex with him? As soon as the thought entered my mind my face turned beet red and I stopped breathing. I just opened  the flood gates to a very perverted part of my mind and now I had images and thoughts rushing my mind like a stampede of buffalo.

 He would certaily be on top, and I kind of liked the idea. Would he fit? What would he do? Oh god, would he use his tail? Damn freaky thoughts entered my mind and my face only got more red as, "Vince?" I re-focused on Zetzu and realized he was hovering over me, his tail resting in between my legs and the towel no ling across my lap. He was naked, on top of me.

 I gasped and covered my face, he chuckled at me "You do know we are like 3 hours late for classes? Just want to call the day off? I'm allowed to skip on shedding day and since you helped me Mrs. Roxe won't get you in trouble."

 I peeked at him and nodded, he pushed himself off me and I watched him pick a piece of clothing off the counter and slip it over his head pulling it down and wiggling his body so it sat smoothly on his waist. He didn't look at me as he put the hair drier away but his tail wrapped around my hips and he pulled me up off the ground.

 I smiled and opened the door but paused and turned to the snake skin in the bathtub, "What are we going to do with that?" Zetzu looked at me, then looked at his old skin, "Basilisk skin is hard to come by but makes an exellant ingrediant for certain potions, I give it to Mr. Donale." I made a face and remembered my brother.

 "You want to go find Todd? I'm a bit worried, he just vanished during the party last night." Zetzu turned to me and nodded.

 I trotted down the stairs, pleased to find Tate and his slut no where to be seen, Zetzu followed me, his body weaving down the stairs in an odd way so he didn't slide down them. I didn't bother with a shirt or changing out of my sweats as we left the house and headed down the row of doors until we reached Todd's.

 I knocked and was shocked when Todd's pet answered, her dangerous face looking up at me. I stared at her before looking at Zetzu then back at her. She stood up and trotted away from the open door, Zetzu's tail pushed it open further and my eyes landed on the couch. A small smile tugged at my lips.

 Todd was curled hugged between the two larger brothers who were face each other, I tilted my head when one of the brothers let out a soft yelping sound and Todd's leg hooked over his hip pulling him closer before his wing shot out and draped over him hanging off the couch. My brother's body shuddered and his eyes snapped open before drooping and slowly sliding closed again.

 "Should we leave them be?" Zetzu nodded and we closed the door before wandering back to our house.

 "What do you want to do?" I shrugged, I had no idea how to pass the time. My father usually just had me sit and train my abilities.

 "Lets watched movies." I looked up at Zetzu before nodding in agreement, movies it was. We went back into our house and plopped down on the couch turning ont he tv and picked random movies I didn't bother reading the names of.


 A:N/ So I was thinking, since you guys like Zetzu and Vince maybe I'll do a short side story for them. When I finish Darkest Fantasy though. What do you think?

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