Chapter 35//: A wolf in sheep's clothing

Começar do início

I breathe in the cool afternoon air as Lucas leads my family and I outside. I can see an array of colorful clothing, and I know everyone else is here already. Looking over the head of my father, I see the king and queen talking to Alexis' parents. Nearby, Alexis listens carefully, though tries to remain inconspicuous.

Looking away from them, I try to search for the familiar face I've gotten to know the past month and a half. Finally, my eyes settle on the black hair of Ahren. He's smiling and talking to a small child. I recognize the child to be of House Marinos based on the colors of her dress. The little girl clings onto the pant leg of Ahren, giggling as he tries in vain to get her off. Ahren smiles playfully at the girl, then starts to tickle her sides until she shrieks and lets go of him, landing in a laughing heap on the grass. Ahren laughs along with her as he picks her up, leading her back to her parents. I feel myself smile at the scene as I watch him chat a bit with the parents.

He turns around and meets my eyes. My heart quickens a bit as he smiles at me, walking towards me. I hear Sydney giggle as she stares at me pointedly. "Well, look at the food! Guess I have to leave you alone for a bit, Madi. Sorry!" she yells out as she hurriedly rushes over to the table overflowing with decadent-looking treats.

I roll my eyes at her retreating figure, but turn back to look as Ahren reaches me. " look absolutely stunning," he tells me in awe. I feel heat creeping up my neck.

"Thank you, Your Highness," I tell him as I curtsy. He and I both laugh at my failed attempt to do so.

"So," he starts, taking my hand in his. I feel like hornets are going rampant in my stomach right now, with his hand emitting warmth from his ability.

"So," I draw out, smiling stupidly up at him, still feeling the attack in my stomach. "How have you been enjoying the company of your family?" he asks me with a smile as he looks at me.

I shove down the smile that is trying to force its way onto my face, and try to look nonchalant.

"I really enjoy their presence. It's been too long since I've last been able to interact with them in person," I answer honestly. Ahren nods at my answer, and we continue to walk through the garden, away from the party. Through the silence that follows, I fear that he'll hear my heart beating painfully around in my rib cage.

Suddenly, Ahren lets out a breath, albeit a bit shaky. I frown a bit, wondering why he was sounding so nervous all of a sudden.

He turns to me, his grey eyes staring into me. "Madison." He starts, and then quiets a bit. I feel a shiver run up my arms at the sound of my name said so gently and...lovingly.

"I...I will never deny my feelings for you." He continues. We've stopped walking now, standing on the stone path surrounded by flowers of every color. He looks at me intensely as his hands slightly tighten on my hands. "Every time I see you, I smile and I feel happy. You've made me feel things I've never felt before. You're a talented, beautiful, intelligent girl that I'm so glad to have met." I feel my heart pound painfully.

"These past few months I've gotten to know you has been the best." Ahren takes in a breath. "And I want to spend more time getting to know you. So..I was wondering," Here, he looks down, a slight silver blush creeping up his neck. My breaths quicken as I watch him try to form the right words. He looks up at me, and opens his mouth to speak--

A sudden scream rips through the tranquil feel of the garden gathering. Both Ahren and my heads whip towards the sound. That was familiar.

I pick up the skirts of my dress, and start to run, Ahren running behind me. Please, Sydney doesn't deserve anything bad to happen to her, I think as I continue running. I turn corners, trying to get back to the entrance of the gardens, but let out a groan of frustration when I turn into another maze of flowers.

The Choosing Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora