Chapter 1

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I stumbled over my own feet as I walked into the kitchen. Those shots of tequila from last night were NO joke.

I made my way over to the coffee maker and poured myself a mug. That's when I heard an ear deafening scream.

"Chassidy!! What the hell happened to your haaaiiiirrrrr?!?!?" My mom yelled.

I chuckled, despite the fact that my head was pounding tremendously. Don't get me wrong now. I loved to make my mom freak out, but I didn't even know what she was talking about.

I walked over to a mirror in the hallway and finally understood what she meant.

My hair was blonde...

It looks really good on me actually.

I shrugged and returned to my coffee mug. It looks like I have incredible judgement, even when totally wasted.

My mom started pacing and rambling to herself and I knew there was only one person who could calm her when she got like this. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell phone.

Within seconds, I was dialing my dad's phone number. It rang a few times and just when I was about to hang up from annoyance, he answered.

"Yell-o" he answered.

I shook my head at how lame he was and made sure to make a mental note to teach him how to answer his phone properly.

"Daddy... Mom is freaking out because I dyed my hair blonde. What should I do?" I asked.

"Nothing. I'm pulling into the driveway right now," he said and with that we both hung up.

A few seconds passed before he walked in with a box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

My mom snatched the box from my dad's fingers and slammed it onto the counter.

"Her hair!! Do you see that?!?" She hyperventilated as she shoved the delicacies in her mouth. "She's Hispanic and black! She's not Nicki Minaj! Why the hell is her hair BLONDE?! "

I chuckled to myself and grabbed a doughnut.

My dad looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Cassidy... Did you take your medicine?" He asked while slowing stepping towards her, then rubbing her back.

"Why does everything ALWAYS revert back to me taking my medicine?! Yes. I found out about my situation when I was a teenager. I'm perfectly capable of giving myself a pill every other day!" She vented before breaking down into tears.

The grin on my face slowly faded as my heart sank. Though my mom irked me half of the time, I felt bad for her when she was like this. She had no control over her own emotions whatsoever.

My dad hugged and soothed her.

"It's okay honey," he whispered. "Let's go upstairs and watch a movie."

She nodded and they walked up the stairs hand in hand.

At that moment, I wished that I could have that someday. I wanted what they had with someone special, but I knew I wasn't ever going to be capable of love like that. I was the ultimate player at my school. What do I look like "settling down?"

I turned all the heads and was the center of all of the gossip at my school.

I picked up my phone and sent out a text to my entire graduating class.

Chvssidy__: 'Thought last night was fun? Wait til tonight at 9pm. 627 Oak Wood Drive. Be there ;) '

Instantly I started receiving responses but I didn't have time for that! I had a party to plan.

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