Fighting the gods

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I nodded, everyone had heard her. Suspicions were confirmed. Aro and his brothers had had too much power for too long. Power corrupts, absolute power is absolutely corrupt. He took what he wanted, when he wanted it, no-one could stop him, except for us.

We would stop him, for ever !

'Alice, how would you like it to have a new toy ?' with a big smile and shining eyes she clapped her hands. 'Jippy, this is going to be fun.'

'Bella ? Shioban ? Leah ?' I know, I was only picking the women, I didn't care.

 Sun and moon were gone and everybody was getting ready to leave.

'I Stay here with my girls', I said, 'We stay in the circle and follow your movers. If necessary we swap powers. We will see everything and can adjust the plans. Quick decisions can make the difference. Before you leave, just lay your hand on mine. Some gifts can come in handy.'

'Mam, I want to go with them', said Jolene, 'I'm not scared. I want to fight.'

'I will stay with you.' I looked at Emily, she smiled. How was it possible that 2 girls can look so alike and be so different.

'We will stay too', said Seth while his thumb moved between him and Colin. 'We can provide the extra power you will need and can protect you if something happens here.'

'What can happen here ? No-one knows where we are, we will be safe here.'

'We will stay anyway.' Colin shrugged.

'I will stay here too. Can I help you ?' asked Chelsea.

'Just sit with us in the circle.' Emily patted on the ground next to her.

We fell how the other ran to to Volterra, full speed. The vampires ran with the wolves. The city gates, open since long, were not used. One by one, wolf and vampire, jumped over the walls. The few members of the guard, walking around in the city, were easy to find for Edward and the wolfs took care of them, none survived. We were going to make a huge bonfire with the remains of the Volturi Clan, that's what we hoped for. The entrances to the Volturi Castle were cleared in a matter of minutes, without a sound. This was going way too easy. The wolves invaded the castle while the rest stayed outside in case reinforcements arrived. Every living soul, or not so living soul, fell under the paws of the Quileute's. Way too easy! All the vampires outside had been newborns, strong but without experience, inside the castle only a minimum were left to guard the basement where Jacob was found. There was no sign of Renesmee and their kids. Jacob told that he had a son of three years old and a baby girl of a year and a half and that Renesmee could give birth to a new son or daughter any minute.

"Edward? Isn't this a weird? Like they are expecting us? Where is everybody?" I asked.

"I guess they expected us all those years."

"Don't you hear them? It feels like there around."

"We have checked the whole castle, no one is left, but I can hear Aro's thoughts."

The moment Edward said that, all vampire thoughts went quiet. Where were they? I reached out with Bella's shield. They were running towards us. My daughters and me with Seth and Colin, we were alone and unprotected. I started to panic but Jolene was already in the air with Emily and Colin following her. I followed a fraction of a second later but Seth stayed behind with Chelsea, she couldn't shift into a eagle. He told her something, then changed. She climbed on his back. Too slow! TOO SLOW! Hurry! I had the feeling I was yelling for the whole of Italy when I saw him jumping to the sky. Too late. One of the guards jumped after him and grabbed his paw. With the weight of two vampires, Seth could not climb higher. With an instinct older than mankind I dove down and with my razor sharp claws I ripped the head of the guard and tore him limb from limb. I can't remember ever feeling so satisfied by hearing the sound of breaking stone. Some other vampires jumped up to attack me, but Jolene and Emily came to my rescue, while Colin tried to keep them out of harm's way. One of the vampires had grabbed my paw, trying to pull me down but I was rising up into the air and Jolene had eliminated him before he could slow me down. I saw Seth with Chelsea next to me, we were safe. So I thought.

Colin had been grabbed by one of the guard and Emily flew in to help him. Never thought that my little one could be so furious. The whole fight was over before I could consider to help her.

Next thing I saw was a sky filled with eagles. The circle had been broken and I did not feel the others returning to our rescue, but I could hear every thought in the air : ATACK!

The eagles worked in pairs, one by one, the vampires of the Volturi Clan were picked and shredded in the sky.

Only Aro and a little female vampire, Renate I guessed, clinging to him remained. He held the hand of a little boy.

"If you kill me," he threatened, "I take Jacobs son with me and you will never find his mother."

The eagles landed and changed into wolves. When they saw that the boy clanged to Aro's hand out of fear they kept their distance. Meanwhile the Cullens and their friends arrived. My daughters and I landed too and changed into little black cats, we hid between the trees. The Quileute's had made a big circle around Aro, Edward stepped between them.

"Why Aro?" Edward listened to his answer and shook his head in disbelief.

"You thought you could bread a whole pack?"

"They grow fast and we have all the time of the world." was Aro's response.

"Did you think that I would forget my daughter? Or Jacob?"

"They are just bastards, crossbreeds, not pure. Why would anyone bother?"

"Because she's my daughter. You can't be that stupid!"

Every answer of Aro made Edward step closer to him until he saw that the little boy was afraid of him too. Edward stepped back and Aro triumphed.

"How dared you attack us?" Aro asked arrogant.

"Dared? We? How dared you abduct and torture them?"

"We did not torture them."

"We saw how Jane used her powers on Jacob. Do you claim you didn't know?" Aro didn't react and Edward smiled grim

"Right. Now, where is my daughter and give me my grandson."

"I think he wants to stay with me. You see, I made sure he was my favourite pet."

That moment the boy slipped out of Aro's grip and ran towards Jacob screaming "Daddy!"

Jacob caught him mid air as the boy jumped into his arms.

As soon as the boy was safe a last eagle grabbed Aro and tore him apart and one of the wolves took Renate and destroyed her too.

Jacob screamed "No! They know where Renesmee is."

Edward put a hand on Jacobs shoulder and said: "Don't worry, we will find her."

He came to us and asked: "Can we make a circle to find Renesmee?"

"Do you think Alice can find us new clothes?" I thought.

"She's waiting for you, between the trees. Maybe you should try to keep those in one piece."

I looked at him over my shoulder as I went for the trees. Everyone was laughing even before Edward said sorry.

That moment Seth landed with Chelsea on his back.

"Why did you kill everybody? I could have broken the loyalties. Many would have joined you."

Sam asked: "Was there one who didn't know what happened to Jacob?"

"No", she answered, "Everybody knew. But so did I."

"You got lucky." said Sam as he walked away.

After forming the circle, and informing Jacob, Bella knew in what direction we could find Renesmee.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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