Unknowingly without

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The room was quiet. The only noise was of my fingers gliding over the keyboard.
Words stacked onto the screen.

Creating an alternate world for people who needed a way of escape.
A place to drift away to when reality got you down.

'Her deep, beautiful brown eyes gazed around in awe at the sight before her.
The shimmering light reflecting off the crystal clear water danced in her pupils. Capitalizing her unearthly appearace. Radiating around her with an angel like quality.


My fingers hesitated. Eyes squinting at my latest paragraph.

"What happens after that?" I asked myself.

I leaned away from the computer screen to think.
The shrill of the homephone sounded loudly in my ear. Killing the silence. I rubbed at my eyes before picking up the phone.

I smiled as I read the caller number.

"Hello beautiful." I greeted happily. A small laugh came from her end.

"Hey. What are you doing?" She asked casually.

I laxed back in my office seat with a grin.

"Trying to finish my newest book."

"That's great, how far are you." I laughed lightly.

"Only 20 chapters left." She laughed with me before she stopped.

I could hear the sound of beeping cars and people yelling. Must be in town.

"Hey?" I hmmed in question.

"I love you." She said. My smile softened.

"I love you as well." I assured wholeheartedly.

"Can you read your latest chapter?" She asked out of the blue.

"I thought you didn't like to read my books till the end." She just laughed again before falling into a huge coughing fit.

"Hey? You okay?" I asked in panic.

"Yeah, I just choked on liquids." I laughed.

"Anyway, when will you get home. I miss you." I pouted, hoping she heard it through the phone. The other line was silent for a bit.

"I-I don't know yet." She said hurriedly.

"Remember when we were kids, how we always use to play at that old oak tree?" I chuckled at the memories.

"Yeah, I proposed to you there as well." Her sweet laugh rang out again.

"I love you. I loved that proposal, it was so perfect. I love you."

"Your answer made it perfect. And I love you too." It went silent again for a bit before she carried on.

"Hey, I have to go now."

"Alright, get home soon." Silence.

"I love you heaps." She mumbled.

Must be in a meeting. Sounds like she's trying to whisper.

"I love you more." She laughed quietly.

"I assure you my love, I love you the most." I laughed.

"I beg to differ." She hummed.

"Goodbye my love."

"Goodbye sweetheart."

She ended the call.

Cracking my knuckles, I went back to writing.

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