Leaving Camp Kikiwaka for good?

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Zuri POV

Emma came rushing through the door, crying. She runs over to me and gives me a hug.

"I missed you so much!" she says. She hugs Lou and Tiffany. I'm stunned.

"You got your memory back?" Tiffany asks.

Emma nods and sits on her bed.

"How?" Lou asks.

"It was Xander's girlfriend," she says. "I dunno. It just happened."

Then Ravi bursts through the door along with Griff.

"Emma! You got your memory back!" he cheers.

"Yeah. Did Xander tell you?"

He nods, and Griff walks over to me and holds my hand, sliding a note to me.

"That's great!" I say.

Emma nods, but then her expression changes. "We're leaving camp. You, Ravi, and I. We're going back to New York. I...I can't deal with Xander anymore. We leave in two days."

My heart sinks when she says that. No. I can't leave Griff. I look at him, and he smiles brightly at me.

"It's okay. Just read the note later," he says.

I sit on a bench outside by myself and take out Griff's note.

Dearest Zuri,

I have great news! The people in charge of all the Juvenile delinquents came over yesterday and told me that I've improved while at Camp Kikiwaka and I'll be set free IF I can find a place to call home in two months. I was wondering if maybe I could stay with you guys. You're like my family. Please consider it.

Love forever, Griff

I read the note like three times. Of course he can stay with us! That would be great.

The next day, I talk to Emma about it, and she said he can tag along after consulting mom first.
So I told Griff later on, and he kissed me.

"I love you so much Zuri," he had said.

"I love you too," I said as I kissed him. Then we made out on his bunk bed with no one to bother us.

Emma POV

We're leaving tomorrow. I'm sooo relieved, but I'm also sad that I'll be leaving Lou and Tiffany and Jorge and even Hazel.

I got I letter today from some, people who claim to be "stress relievers".

Dear Emma,

We got a message from your friends, Lou, Tiffany, and Zuri, claiming that you are in deep stress. We know about you breakup problem, and we understand that you've just recovered from amnesia. After consulting your mother, Christina Ross, we recommend that you start training with us while in NYC. Your parents have taken care of the cost and they feel that you need therapy. We look forward to seeing you.

Stress and Mind Therapy

I can't believe mom and Zuri would do that behind my back. Whatever.

Ravi POV

Today is the day. I kiss Tiffany goodbye and hug Jorge and Xander and Lou. Tiff and I will right letters to each other occasionally.
I'll really miss her.

Mrs. Kipling snuggles next to me as the helicopter takes off. I look down below and see tears in Tiffany eyes.

"I love you Tiffany!" I yell.

"I love you too Ravi!" she yells back.

Zuri POV

we arrive in New York 4 hours later. When we get off the helicopter, mom greets us along with Luke.

"Hey guys!" he says. Then he looks at Griff and I, who are holding hands. "You two are a thing now. Nice going man. But you better treat her with respect."

"Yes sir... I mean, sure man!" Griff says, his face red.

We go inside the penthouse and I see Bertram lying on the couch. He quickly gets up when he sees mom and says, "Hello children. I missed you so much."

Then he rolls his eyes. He stops dead on his tracks when he sees Griff.

"Another child," he groans. Then he clears his throat. "Miss, what is the boy doing here? Can I throw him off the roof?"

Griff takes a step back when Bertram says that.

"No silly!" mom scolds. "This is Griff. Zuri's boyfriend. I'll be staying with us."

Bertram faints. Mom rolls her eyes and leads us to our rooms, showing Griff his new room. I think he'll feel welcome here. Things couldn't be better. My boyfriend staying with us. A dream come true.

Griff and Zuri: Love at First SightWhere stories live. Discover now