The Purple Forest

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I made this in 7th grade.

As I was walking through the deep dark forest I hear a strange noise. A voice of a very young girl singing a sad song. I hid behind a nearby tree careful not to startle her. She seems so lonely. But she is a very beautiful shy king of girl. Then it happens so suddenly that I didn’t even notice it.

            A purple fog covers us in a cold, wet blanket. I finally realize this is the purple forest, the forest you must never enter. Behind me a man stands but he can not see me actually he walks right through me. No matter how much I scream I scream “run away!” he could not hear me. She starts to sing he is mesmerized by Suzzy, the little girl.

            She smiles so sweetly saying “Come sing with me Kaito.” As they start to sing he looks so pale, whiter than snow really. Their heavenly voices combine perfectly. Kaito his breathing became faster as he coughed and chocked on the air surrounding us. Suzzy says “Follow me I can take you away we will be together.” As if commanded they ran through the woods. Out of no where a breath taking garden appears with flowers, a lake, and animals all of this within the forest. They started to sing about how beautiful the place is. But I still don’t get why I am here. In a flash I am back in the forest and there she is again alone! Where is Kaito, is it his voice I think? She is singing again is she talking to me now? Suzzy sings of inviting while Kaito though his voice is faint sings of warning to stay away. Suzzy say “For I shall never let you go” and Kaito say”For she shall never let you go” together they sing “For all of eternity!” I can see it the soul of Kaito and the others trapped here in this forest.

            I can still hear “Never walk to the purple forest or you shall never leave.” I woke in a heaping of sweat. It’s just something about it is so real. I’m just worried about who those people were and why I even had the dream. The next day I go visit a village and wonder off to a forest. I got a sudden chill but why it wasn’t cold? A purple fog begins to cover me. Its just like the dream, it was a warning to stay way! Suddenly the fog cleared a little and my heart began to beat rapidly, I am scared no terrified of the little girl leaning against the tree staring at me. “No!” I scream.

            It’s just a dream but I know I shall be just like Kaito drawn to her by her angelic voice. I must try to get to the village before it’s too late! Suzy, her voice so close in my ear I am stuck here just like Kaito and the others! My soul to be forever bounded to her side, Suzzy’s side. If you ever visit a village and there is a forest nearby ask “IS there a story to that forest? Do people ever come out once they go in?” This is a warning so you won’t end up like me and Kaito!

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