Looking into stars...

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(Y/n): Wh-why did you let me go...? B-because you love Y-Yona... N-not me...

Hak: N-no! I thought Yona was you! I didn't know you were in my loose arm! (Y/-

(Y/n): So now you're saying that if Yona really was me, then you would've released the real Yona and let her die?! While holding me?! Wow, that makes it a lot better, Hak!

Hak: Hey! You know that's not what I meant!
You know that I love you!

(Y/n): Really, Hak? Because it didn't look like it...

      (Y/n) set her gaze onto mine, her eyes and blood, full of rage. She turned coldly and walked away, leaving me along in the dark...

      Now I didn't feel like crying, I felt rage burn inside of me, rage for myself. The same feeling again came back. It's all my fault... the one person I love, just walked away from me, without a single care in the world.....

      I snapped out of my trance, not knowing what to do, feeling useless and weak. I looked ahead to see (Y/n) not there. I pulled myself down into a gentle sob. I didn't know what to do...

       Why was she making me feel this way... sure she was the love of my life... but no one has ever made me feel more hurt than I am right now... her rejection hurt more than the scars that I have endured, they hurt more than falling off of that cliff, they hurt more then even... loosing king Il.

      Looking back into the stars... I prayed some more, I needed this extra luck to get me and her, hopefully back on track, even though there is a high chance of that ever happening.....


I slightly opened my eyes to hear birds chirping, and the summer gaze flashing at me. Forgetting all that happened last night, I jumped up off of the ground, wondering how I ended up sleeping outside. I strolled over to Yun's house to see Ik-Su talking with Yona. I looked over some more to see (Y/n) eating a steam bun.

I started walking over to (Y/n), but I stopped in my tracks to realize that she was angry... memories of that night came flooding back. I was clueless... i then decided that I would talk to Ik-Su and Yona first.

Yona: Oh! Goodmorning, Hak!

Ik-Su: Well hello there Hak, how did you sleep?

Hak: ... Not very well...

Ik-Su: You can talk to me about it if you like, I'll pray for your well being...

Hak: Yeah... thanks... do that...

      Yona started at me in a confused way and pursed her lips. I looked over at (Y/n) again, still eating her steam bun, she was more saddened now. I looked away.

Yun: Hey, big guy, can I talk to you?

Hak: Mm? Okay...

      We walked outside, I looked bewildered to see a determined Yun. I got surprised and spoke up...

Hak: What do you want?

-Not Worthy- | {A Hak X Reader Fanfic} |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt