P.S: I Love You

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Mina was sat writing the note which she would leave for Vincent and Dasha, whilst Edwin recorded. (This was to prove to the YouTube community that despite just being kicked out and harassed, they still have the dignity to write a note to them.) 'Dear Dasha and Vincent, I know this situation hasn't been necessarily...' At this point of the note, Edwin stopped filming. Can't let the audience know the background of the situation, that's an invasion of privacy. And they'd probably not be the victims anymore. And God forbid that. Whilst editing the video, Edwin made sure to add some emotional music into the background at this point, just to prove that he's willing to go through the effort to make the emotions he's feeling evident. Mina and Edwin were both really fucking upset and hurt by their ex-roommates actions, and that's EXACTLY why Edwin had taken Vincent's camera and why they chose to make it public.

Anyway, it was time to move forward and live a more positive life. The events had put the two down, but that's okay, because now it would be bettered with a trip to the dollar store. They packed their shopping cart with alcohol, teabags for Mina, a new charger for Vincent's camera as he forgot to take it, and various snacks. At the counter, Edwin refused to buy a 30c bag. Fuck societies standards. Reduce, reuse, recycle. "We're vegan." Mina said bluntly at the cashier. "We care about the planet and will not waste plastic bags." The cashier was rather confused as to why Mina was telling her this, so she just offered a small nod. "And also 30c is way too much for a bag, dawg." Edwin's face shrivelled in disgust as the two then sashayed out of the store, laughing to each other and holding hands.

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