Zayn scoffed, "She was in my bloody stomach, you knob. Please?"

I sighed and unwillingly handed the baby over to Zayn. I catiously let her rest in Zayn's arms. He laughed quietly as her midget-like arms stretched out. "Hi, baby girl,"

Small noises escaped Julia's lips as her minature fists clenched and unclenched. Zayn gingerly pressed a kiss to her knuckles, his lips almost being the same size as just one of her hands.

"How much does she weigh?" Zayn curiouisly inquired.

"Eight pounds, six ounces," I answered proudly.

Zayn grinned happily down at her, then lent in and kissed her little nose. "You're so beautiful, baby Julia. Daddies love you,"

"Yes we do," I agreed, admiring the pair of them. This precious moment must be captured on my iPhone.

I took my mobile phone out of the pocket of my skinny jeans and lifted it towards them, "Smile!"

"Hazz, no, I look dreadful," Zayn pouted in protest.

"C'mon, instagram needs this moment," I pleaded. "And you, my love, are incapable of looking bad in any way."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "One picture."

I cheered then snapped an adorable picture of Zayn smiling next to our little girl. I posted the picture with the caption "Julia Kaylynn Styles- August 8, 2013".

"When are the boys coming?" Zayn asked as Julia began drifting off to sleep yet again.

I shrugged, "When they decide to awaken from their slumber. I know your mum's on the way, and mine didn't get the memo yet, I don't think."

Zayn nodded, "Mind texting them again? Julia's got to do a few tests in a couple hours,"

I said yes then went to work texting everyone to either wake them up or inform them. Once done, I put the phone away and smiled at my boyfriend. "I love you, Zayn. So much."

He grinned back, "I love you, too, Hazza. Kiss me,"

"Gladly," I muttered with a cheeky smirk. I leaned over and pressed my lips upon his, feeling the same butterflies flutter in my stomach. We both smiled through the kiss. We separated when my phone buzzed.

I quickly checked to read a message from Louis;

From: Lou

We'll be there as soon as I can wake up the hibernating knobs ! Can't wait to meet the baby !! (:

I grinned, "The boys will be on their way soon. I'm guessing 20 minutes if Lou's incharge."

Zayn laughed lightly, then regarded the small child, "Are you ready to meet your uncles? They're really funny and crazy,"

Julia responded to his voice by reaching out to him with her tiny hand. He allowed her to grasp his finger in her clutch. "Her hand is so small,"

Zayn and I spent the next 30 minutes placing our hands up to the baby's and comparing size and snapping photos when she fell asleep again. Moments after, there was a light knock on the wooden door.

"Come in," I called from the bed.

After that was said, Liam, Louis, and Niall quietly entered the room. Their faces lite up when they caught a glimpse of the unconcious miracle.

"She's so fuc- bloody adorable," Louis corrected himself, cautious of the pure child in his presence.

Niall just smiled widely, staring wordlessly at Julia. Liam followed Niall's overwhelmed actions. Zayn grinned at Liam, "Would you like to hold her?"

Julia (Zarry MPreg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant