Chapter 4

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Draco's P.O.V

I woke up to Harry staring at me with big emerald eyes.

"That's creepy Potter." I simpered. He laughed and got up off the couch.

"We sure are lucky that we have a day off before school starts, or else we'd be late for class."

He ran a hand through his jet black hair in a pointless attempt to arrange it. I sat up and Harry reached out his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me towards the door, suddenly spinning me around so I was facing him, and giving me a quick peck on the cheek he said "We can't tell anyone about us, everyone still thinks we hate each other."

I stared at him, startled. "Oh. Um, yes, of course. Wait, us?"

He blushed and turned away. "Um... ya... I just thought that well, after last night I kind of assumed that you and I sort of became a we..."

My ears started to burn and I twisted my hands before answering. "Oh I- ya I suppose that makes sense." Harry turned to me again his face still red.

"Maybe, before we go any further, I could take you out to dinner next weekend in Hogsmead?" He nervously ran a hand through his hair and scrunched his nose to push up his glasses. God he was so cute when he did that. The butterflies started up in my stomach again and I blurted out, "Yes."

Harry's P.O.V

Draco's face turned even more red when he said that, which was super adorable. "Awesome." I grinned. I opened the door quietly and stepped out into the corridor.

Students were milling about in the halls getting ready to start school again. I started toward the Gryffindor common rooms and heard the room of requirement's door open as Draco slipped out into the hall and start towards the Slytherin common rooms.

I couldn't help but watch as he walked away. His platinum blonde hair slightly mussed after sleeping, his tall thin figure gracefully striding along the corridor. I was startled by the sound of someone calling my name and whirled around to see who it was. "Who are you staring at mate?"

Ron strolled up to me and looked in the direction Draco had gone. "Oh-uh... no one. Just thinking." I lied.

"C'mon, who is she?"

She? Oh, of course. Ron didn't know I was gay. "Seriously, I was just thinking." About Draco... How beautiful he was, especially his eyes- No I can't think about that right now.

"So... where's Hermione?"

Ron snorted. "Probably off freaking out about classes I assume."

I chuckled.

"Yeah. Probably."

My thoughts drifted away from my conversation with Ron to Draco. His mercury grey eyes... milky white skin...

"Oi! Harry!" Ron snapped his fingers in front of my face and I blinked.

"Bloody hell! Stop doing that! What is on your mind?" He smacked his face in an exasperated way.

"Sorry, sorry. I'm just worried about Vol-He Who Must Not Be Named, you know what with him being back and all." He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sure mate, sure."

Once I arrived at the common rooms I made sure I said my hellos to all my friends and then went up and flopped on my bed. I sighed and took off my glasses, slowly drifting off to sleep thinking about the day's events.

Draco's P.O.V

As I entered the common room I was greeted by a room full of flinching first years.

I glared at them and stalked up to my room. Blaise met me on the way up and gave me a slap on the back, but when I turned around he winced.

My heart dropped. Everyone hated me. Even my 'friends'. More like followers. They only stuck around because of my name. Malfoy. I hated it.

I cried myself asleep that night, thinking about my dark mark and my stupid family name.

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~Orchestral Beats

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