part 1

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my name is morgan, morgs for short. i am 17 years old and i guess you could say i'm an average junior in high school.
i played softball for 8 years, but i'm not into sports too much anymore.
i have a little brother who is 11 and is the biggest little shit i know.

everything was normal until the first day of summer.

hearing my bedroom door creak open, i sat up to try and position myself. all i could see with my foggy morning vision was about 3 feet in front of me, but i soon realized...i was on the ground. that's when i remembered, i had my neighbor chloe over for the night and she took my bed.

"sorry morgan. did i wake you?" my mom had come up behind me when I sat up.

"you're fine"i mumbled fiddling through my blankets.

"your dad will be here soon. he is going to spend the day with you. can you walk chloe home?"

i immediatly shot stright up onto my feet nodding my head yes. but not too much for chloe to see, don't want any hurt feelings... but she's got to understand that i haven't seen my dad in over a month.

while walking chloe home, she asked why she had to leave my house so early.

"well my dad is coming home today and I havn't seen him in a while. his job is really keeping him busy. you know being a bail agent sounds easy but he has to travel like every single day"

she understood and nodded as she opened her front door.

"thanks for having me over morgs!!"

i was already halfway across her lawn because i saw an old white toyota pickup truck pulling into my driveway.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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