Rush of Lightning

19 2 10

Tired, the blonde walked up the stairs, nearly falling three times in the process.

Looking at her knees, a little bit of carpet burn formed, she sighed.

Can there be just one trip when I don't fall?

Shrugging, she opened the attic door, a ladder slowly falling and unfolding as it went down. With no effort, she climbed the ladder into the "room."

It was larger than most would suspect, it has a bed, a mini closet, and a bookshelf filled past the brim with books.

There was a single window, rain was pouring like it always was.

But she loved the small room.

On the blonde's bed sat a jewelry box, a box of red with small and slight gold markings.

The box was small, almost like ring box that one was to propose with, it had that feel of importance. The box made her feel a certain kind of powerful, but it wasn't overwhelming.

The box, glowed?

The naked eye couldn't see if you weren't paying attention. Barely did glow but it still did.

Carefully, the blonde walked to her bed, picking the box up delicately.

She didn't know if she should open it, but the box seemed as if it were taunting her to open.

Well, it's the box's fault if I die, right?

Carefully, she lifted the lid of the box.

Flames erupted from the box, heat blazed throughout the room.

The fire flew out from the jewelry box and manifested itself a few inches from the blonde.

It seemed like a human form.

It was in the shape of what looked like another girl, made entirely out of fire.

"I see," the flames spoke, what appeared to be the head moved as if looking at the surroundings.

"What are you?" The blonde asked, walking over to the literal flame body.

There was no response as the flames walked closer to the blonde, and held out its hand.

The flames seemed comforting, they gave off the same feeling the box did. The flames simultaneously scared and filled her with happiness.

Reluctantly, the blonde held her hand out as well, the flames joining hers.

A bright light formed from their joined hands, the blonde could see the fire circling away slowly to reveal someone.

The flames all laced up the figure's left arm and formed a charm.

"I see." The figure said again, her amber eyes were staring straight (gay) at the blonde's light green ones.

When the blonde looked at her hand, a symbol of fire was seemingly tattooed onto her hand.

Without giving the blonde a chance to react, the the amber-eyed girl uncaringly disconnected her hand from the blondes'.

"What are you?" The blonde stared at the figure.

"How rude," the girl frowned. "Is that how you people ask people you either don't understand or know?"

"It's usually a natural response for anyone, yes." The blonde frowned, her tone annoyed.

"You people are so confusing still," She frowned.

"Well, what would you like me to do about it?" The blonde asked sarcastically.

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