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"Oh my God... How much longer do we need to stay here?!" Minseok sighed, exhausted from all the work they did at school that day. He dramatically acted out a scene of fainting on a chair. Baekhyun, who was sitting across of him, chucked scratching his cheek. He wasn't doing it on purpose, he'd say. "Chillax~ This is the last period, we have 15 minutes left."

10 minutes left.
Baekhyun laid his head on the desk. Biting his lips was one of his many habits. He placed his bottom lip between his teeth starting to nibble on it.

5 minutes left.
One by one, everyone in the classroom started putting their books back in their school bags. Minseok sighed as he did soas well. Only Baekhyun didn't move, continuing to nibble on his bottom lip.

3 minutes left.
Someone knocked on the door three times.

"Come in?" Mrs Kim said.

Luhan happily opened the door. He excitedly dragged Sehun along, their arms linked. The younger one's cheeks were tinted in barely noticeable pink colour.

"Hello Mrs Kim," they greeted in unison and bowed to her and the rest of the class.

"As you all know, next week is Valentine's Day," Luhan announced trying to stay calm. He actually seemed a little too happy for all of them. Softly gripping his best friend's arm linked with his, he continued, "and so is that oh-so-famous boys auction. Do I have to remind all of you why girls can't participate?" he coldly eyed everyone in the class.

Scared by his gaze, everyone shook their heads quickly.

There are these few rules to participate in the auction:

1) you have to preform a dance choreography that you came up by yourself

2)you can participate by yourself or in a group

3)you have to take your shirt(s) off

..and a couple more but they aren't as relevat. Anyway, seeing the 3rd rule you clearly understand why girls can't participate.

"Good," deer smiled again. Everyone sighed in relief. "One more thing.. The auction will be held next week on Friday. Everyone who wants to participate - dance studio, after class."

"Is that it?" Mrs Kim asked.

"That's it Mrs Kim." Sehun spoke this time.

Two boys waved at all of them and left. As they did so, the bell rang, ending the last lesson for today.

Baekhyun was listening all the time without budging to lift his head up. The lack of sleep made him seem lifeless and feel mentally exhausted.

Hearing the bell ring- accompanied with an excited Minseok shaking his shoulders- made him almost have a heart attack and his eyes open wide. "Oh, my god, Baekhyun, did you hear that?!"

Baekhyun held Minseok's arms in order to stop the shaking. "I'm not deaf, you know? Now stop shaking me-e-e-"

"Oh, sorry.." the older apologetically chuckled, then let go of Baekhyun's shoulders helping him to pack his things. They were already the last ones left in the empty classroom.

Minseok dragged the lost and sleepless puppy along with him heading to the dance studio. Completely disoriented he looked around "Where are we going, Minseok?"

"Dance studio," he pushed door of the said room open."But really Baek, you need sleep," Minseok worriedly looked at the younger and placed him on the chair.

Ignoring the last thing said, Baek asked "So you're participating?"

Minseok nodded happily.

"Is everybody here? Or we should wait some more?" Luhan's voice echoed through the studio. Just then Baekhyun and Minseok noticed how many guys were already there. Some of them were their friends like Huang Zitao, Kim Jongin , Kim Taehyung , Lee Taemin, Lee Hoseok and Jackson Wang. The others - they've barely known.

"Okay we're start-" Luhan was cut off by the sound of the door opening. There was a tall guy peeking into the studio. "Am I late..?" he said while panting. He was obviously running while getting to the dance studio. Baekhyun flinched hearing that deep voice. He turned his head from Minseok to look at the guy and his cheeks got pink. It was him.

"Oh, Yeol, you came just in time," Luhan clasped his hands happily. He didn't notice Sehun lovingly staring at him the entire time.

Seeing Baekhyun's pink cheeks, Minseok turned around, curious to see what made his best friend blush all of a sudden. Then it got to him. That nickname, Yeol- Park Chanyeol.

He turned back towards the younger and whispered "Is that the guy that you-"

"Yeah, now shush!" Baekhyun hurriedly placed his finger on Minseok's lips. From somebody else's point of view it would look a bit strange in a way that one would think they're together; dating. But for them it was completely normal: touching, butt slapping, sleeping in the same bed, cuddling. Minseok and Baekhyun were one of those best friends who knew a lot about each other and also were really close to each other.

Minseok grinned, looking straight at Baekhyun's eyes. He kissed his finger and moved away.

"As I was about to say, let's start everyone," Luhan glanced at Sehun who snapped out of his daydream.

"Okay so first.." Sehun rised his index finger up "Shirts off," he commanded. He maybe felt too much joy than necessary in saying those two words ever since he's become the main organizator and in charge of everything, alongside his best friend.

Everyone in the room slowly started taking off their shirts. Well, everyone except Baekhyun. Luhan spotted him just sitting there and not doing anything. He arched a brow up at his direction instead of asking why isn'the taking his shirt off.

"I'm not participating.." he shook his head.

Lu's mouth formed an 'o' as he nodded back.

"Line up now," Sehun said again as everyone was done with taking their shirts off. For some reason they felt like they are signing up for army. "We have some fine material this year." Luhan smirked while checking out the boys' abs, one by one.

That comment of Lu's made Sehun feel a subtle twist in his stomach, but he let it go, not wanting to admit it himself. It didn't matter much anyway.

When they came to Chanyeol, Sehun asked him "What made you change your mind and participate this year Park?"

"Yeah, really, what did, Yeol?"

"Ha, well as first, I worked on my abs for quite some time now. And as second.." he stopped and smirked at the two, "I'm curious to see if someone will be brave enough to 'buy' me."

Sehun and Luhan glanced at each other. They perfectly knew who was Chanyeol thinking of.

Baekhyun was still just sitting there and stealing glances at Chanyeol even tho his back was facing him.

"You have exactly one week to come up with a choreo for your performance, starting today. If you wanna be in a group, make it now. We have no time to waste boys! Thank you, we're done now." Luhan linked Sehun's and his arms again and they stormed out of the studio.

Minseok got back to Baekhyun who handed him his shirt, now mindlessly staring somewhere so he wouldn't  stare at a certain someone. 

"Baek, you should be careful with staring, he might catch u doing it~" Minseok teased the younger who wasn't in a mood to defend himself much, or deny the fact that he really was staring.

"Yeah, put on your shirt and let's get the hell outta here."

Two of them then stormed out the same way Sehun and Luhan did. Little did they know they caught Chanyeol's eye for a moment. The tall boy watched the pair leave, then got back to pulling a shirt down over his toned torso he's been working so hard on to sculpture. 

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