9. This Is Just The Beginning

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Playing With The Pack

Chapter 9: This Is Just The Beginning

I twiddled with the letter between my fingers.

To open it or not to open it. That was the current dilemma that I was in.

"It's not a re-write of the amendments Spence. It's a letter!" Essence joked.

I stuck my tongue out at her and folded the envelope before putting it into my back pocket. "I know but I just can't open it".

"You can't or you don't want to?" Essence asked. "I mean, Jace was about to burn the damn thing if you didn't say anything".

Jace wanted nothing to do with the situation anymore. He burned the first letter but I just couldn't let him burn this one.

I had no idea why.

"You're right but I just feel like we shouldn't burn it. I feel like there is something important in here and we could be destroying valuable information".

She rolled her eyes. "Then open it and find out".

Taylor poked his head into the living room. "Pack meeting is about to start".

"After the meeting, I will" I told Essence before following Taylor down into the big auditorium like pack meeting room.

Jace had called a pack meeting this morning to discuss some issues that had recently arouse. One of the major ones was Jinger trying to shift last night.

That still had me confused but it definitely raised my curiosity.

I took my seat on the stage next to Essence where we stood between Jace and Peter.

"Good morning everyone. I know some of you were alarmed and worried about what this pack meeting was about but it is nothing extreme I can assure you. There are just a few things that I need to address".

"The first important piece of information is Europe. It seems as though the task we set out to complete has not been taken care of like we had hoped so we must return. This will not been confirmed until I have spoken to my Luna about her safety and other details we must discuss" Jace said turning to look at me.

I gave him a small smile and returned it with a wink.

"The second thing is Jinger. It seems as though he tried to shift last night" Jace continued causing the pack to gasp in surprise and shock. "There is a story behind Jinger that I am not sure that you all know but I know many do. I am going to clear it up for you. Jinger was knows as Donald Parting in his old pack. He was the Alpha but he did something that was considered illegal during this time. He rejected his mate. If you were to reject your mate at this time, you had to pay the consequences whether you are an Alpha or not. Donald's punishment was to be shed from his wolf form and he could only be a dog for the rest of his life. The reason they chose a dog was because they say weak wolves reject their mates and they believed dogs were the weakest compared to wolves. Many of you also know that Jinger's mate just so happened to be a relative of my own mate. It was Spencer's grandmother. The reason on why he rejected is unclear and I am not sure if we will ever know but that is not the point"

As Jace said this, I began to think about my grandmother and her weird call from yesterday. She barely even had a conversation with me. It was unlike her to call me out of the blue anyway so I knew she was up to something.

Or maybe she was just getting old.

"As a dog, there wasn't much that Jinger could do but wander around. But now that Jinger is with us, he is very important. About four years ago, he found my mate and something inside of him told him he would be her protector, and that is exactly what he has been doing. Protecting her Again, I am not sure how this all came about but the gods don't do these things for no reason."

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