"Good, good, now hurry up girl!" Valerie said, running ahead.

Alex groaned and ran after her, I just laughed to myself and picked up the pace.

Soon enough, we made it back to the bus. Both of girls ran onto the bus, I walked quickly after them to make sure they didn't destroy anything.

"ANDY!!" Valerie yelled, tackling him.

"Holy shit!... Valerie?!" Andy yelled, hugging her.

"YUP!" she yelled back.

They laughed and got up, sat on Andy's bunk, and started having an animated conversation.

I turned to go to my bunk, to see Alex sitting on it looking through my stuff. She was like the annoying little sister I never had, but the one that you love to bits all the same.

"ALEX! What have I told you about looking through my stuff?" I shouted.

"Uhhh... to look through it, and put everything back as it should be, when I'm done?" Alex smiled innocently.

"Riiighhht," I said walking up to her. As soon as I was within arm's length of Alex, I grabbed her around the waist, and put her over my shoulder.

"Heeeeeeeeeeey! What're you doing?!" Alex whined.

"Getting rid of the nosy girl looking through my stuff?" I said, using the same innocent tone she had used before.

Alex just sighed, and let me carry her to the couch. I dropped her gently next to Jake and Jinxx, and then sat next to her.

"Hey Jake! Hey Jinxx!" Alex said, hugging them both.

"Alex! Hi!" Jinxx said.

"Zandy!" Jake said.

"Jaaaaaakee! Don't call me that!" Alex said, sticking her tongue out at Jake. He just stuck his tongue out back at her. She turned to Jinxx and said "How are you and Sammi doing, Jinxx?"

"Oh we're good, just a lot of wedding planning and stuff," Jinxx said smiling.

"Oh yay! I can't wait for that!" Alex said excitedly.

I decided to leave the conversation and check my phone. I updated my Twitter and Facebook for the day. I looked up to see Valerie.walking over to me.

"Hey, hey, heeeey," she said.

Yes, yes, yeeeees?" I asked.

"Oh shush," she smiled "but uh, do you think we can stay the night? Me and Alex can like sleep on the couch or something?" Something didn't sound quite right in her voice, but I ignored it.

"Yeah that should be fine!" I smiled "In fact... why don't you two stay with us for the tour?"

"Oh my god, yes!!" Valerie squealed excitedly.

"Haha, just let me go and get you some blankets and stuff for later okay?" I said, getting up.

"Okay!" Valerie agreed.

Smiling, I walked over to the cupboard near the small bathroom thing, where we kept towels, sheets, and stuff like that. Rummaging through, I found a green blanket for Alex and a purple one for Valerie, those colours being their favourite. Looking a bit more, I found some pillows too. I grabbed the blankets and folded them up, so they wouldn't take up too much space where everyone was sitting. I put them into a neat pile, and then the pillows on top. I turned around to close the cupboard, only realising I had made a giant mess out of everything.

"Fucking hell..." I muttered to myself, grabbing all the towels, sheets, blankets and everything else and piling them onto the floor. This cupboard did need to be sorted out anyway.

~ON HOLD~ Love Isn't Always Fair [Fanfiction/BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now