Chapter 6 home

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Once I explain to Dark why did I now how to kick ass. Anti wanted to learn how to fight like I did so I told him that this is not going to be easy. After that happen I went home to relax and sleep for once though all of the crazy things that happen. But as soon as I fell a sleep for one minute Dark didn't let go to sleep because he said to leave Anti alone for once. But he kelt coming back and it gets weird when the same person come over yor home and ask to train them to kick ass like you. Anti just kept coming back so one day I said that this is the last day will train him. After that I got some home time with my cat. After weeks of relaxation Dark ask me if I could train Anti. So once again with the train shit but soon he will fight like me. But for now I need to stay home with my cay he really needs my attention. End of chapter 6  

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