[Chapter One]

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I wake up in the morning to see it was just a dream, A nightmare. I'm terrified. Is that man real? Or is it just my imagination? I want it to be my imagination but I honestly believe it is, indeed real. It was so real. But I know it was fake. I'm still in my bed, untouched. my stomach is not ripped open and I'm not missing organs. I'm happy this time it was a dream..

Is he getting into my head? Is this what he does? Getting people to go crazy before he kills them? So many questions run through my head.

All I can think of is him. What did this dream mean exactly? I have no doubt he is gonna try to kill me, i'm positive. so I must keep guard.

Finally after hours of thinking I get off my bed and head down stairs. I am meted with a horrifying sight. My parents are laying in the middle of the room in their own blood puddle. I know exactly who it was. My eyeless hell... how do I know? He killed them just the way he killed me in his dream.. their stomachs are completely torn open and they are missing organs. I walk a bit closer to the sight to see, right there in between them a half eaten kidney. I nearly vomited. But I quickly thought about if he was still here, I needed to be strong. I turned back around to notice 'I promise, I won't forget you' written on the wall and it instantly reminded me of my dream. How?.

I fearfully looked around scared for my life. I run all around the house while locking every door and window making sure he wasn't here. I went into the kitchen and sat down at the table gripping my hair in frustration and anger.

"Why..." I sobbed. "why did this have to happen?..." I asked myself.

"There is no reason" a voice I am not familiar with said. His voice was rather dull and boring. I quickly turned around to see him hovering above me.

"Who-- Who are you?" I stuttered out of fear knowing he is going to kill me.

"Jack" he said flatly.

He is so boring!

"You-You were in my dream..." I totally didn't mean to say that. I am now mentally face palming my self... I'm a idiot.

"I know"

"How?.." I'm so confused.

"I was there wasn't I?" He made a point I guess... But it was a dream, my dream, I don't get it. He is really getting into my head.

"But it was a dream"

"No, it was a vision. a warning. I told you I wouldn't forget you."

Oh my god this is so confusing....

"You're really confusing..." I say of confusion.

"No. You're just a idiot." he says, his voice still completely flat as if he was bored.

"Hey!" I snapped. "I am not a idiot!"

"Yes you are, do you really need me to tell you?"

"Enlighten me" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Well, you didn't run when you saw your parents were dead and you knew it was me."

"I was sad..."

"You are standing right in front of me trying not to escape even though we both know, your going to die" he pauses. "Oh. and your 'dream' you told no one did you?"

"No.." I paused. "why would I tell someone about my nightmare just to get laughed at?"

"It could of saved you" he paused as he sighed. "all humans are such idiots"

"Well-" I was interrupted by someone bursting through the glass sliding door.

"What the hell man?" Jack screamed. I am now shaken in fear by the man. he has a carved in smile and black rings around his eyes...

"Are you scared?.." the man said while walking up to me and pulling out a knife from his pocket.

Jack put his arm in front of him and pushed him back. "She's mine" he muttered.

They started to throw a bunch of curse words and other rude things at each other. I quickly slipped away out the broken glass door and started to run.

Eyeless Hell {Eyeless Jack}Where stories live. Discover now