Chapter 4

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Later that night, Cas and Gabe were watching T.V. on the couch while Dean showered. It was about 5:00 and cas was starting to get hungry but didn't want to bother Dean about it. Dean got out of the shower about 15 minutes after he had gotten in. He got dressed and came downstairs to see Gabe cuddled into Cas, asleep, as Cas played with Gabe's hair. Dean smiled and sat down next to Cas.

"You getting hungry?" He asked Cas.

"Actually, I was kind of hoping you'd ask. I'm starving." He chuckled

"The fridge is over there and the pantry is just to the right. You can get food whenever you want. This is just as much your guys' house as it is mine now."

Cas blushed, "o-okay.."

Dean smiled at him,"I was thinking we'd go out for burgers. How does that sound?"

Cas smiled, "that sounds amazing."

Dean smiled, "great."

Cas rubbed Gabe's shoulder to wake him up. He woke up with a soft whine.

"Hey, bud," cas said, "we're gonna go get some food pretty soon. How does a burger sound?"

Gabriel's eyes lit up. "Buwgews?!"

Cas chuckled, "yes buwgews."

Gabe smiled, "lets go, lets go, lets go!"

Dean chuckled, "okay go get some shoes on."

Gabriel nodded and ran up the stairs to get his shoes. Cas turned to Dean.

"Thank you again. For all of this." Cas said, looking in his eyes.

"Thank you, too." Dean said

Cas looked confused. "For what?"

"I'll explain later.. if I explain now it'll get all soppy and I'll probably cry. I don't wanna ruin Gabe's good mood." Dean answered

"Okay.." cas gave him a smile as Gabe bounced back down the stairs.

"Ready to go?" Cas asked

Gabe nodded frantically, "YES!"

Cas and Dean chuckled and Gabriel ran to the car. Dean looked at Cas and smiled.

"Ready to go?" Dean asked.

"Yeah" Cas nodded and smiled back.

Dean swallowed hard. He looked down and laced his hand with Cas' and then looked up at him anxiously.

Cas blushed and smiled. He held Deans hand and Dean sighed with relief. They walked to the door hand in hand but let go right before they got to the door. They walked to the car and Cas helped Gabe in before getting in himself. Dean smiled at Cas and Cas blushed.

"God, you're so cute," Dean mumbled under his breath.

"What?" Cas asked.

"Nothin.. ill tell ya later" Dean said with a playful wink.

Cas just silently chuckled and looked out the window.

Dean backed out of the driveway and started driving down the road. He reached out and pressed a button on the radio, turning it on.

"What kind of music do you like to listen to?" He asked Cas.

"Anything's fine, really," Cas said.

Dean switched the station to a mixed genre station. A song started playing that Cas immediately recognized as I Can't Help Falling in Love by Elvis. He started humming along and noticed that Dean was too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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