Seeing them the first time

116 6 2

(A/N that's her outfit that she's wearing)

Layla's POV
I was really nervous seeing them I mean we just started being friends but I have to know them first. Being the person I am I'm just going to weird (A/N me af tho I am weird 😂) around them and see how they really are. I'm just gonna go casual and wear jeans, maxi sweater and Jordan's. I really don't care ( A/N u see what I did there cause it's in a song 😏 no ok) about makeup that much cause I love my natural look. I'm really scared like all of these what ifs are in my mind but I don't want to worry myself they are probably my age. Let make a group chat of the people I'm seeing.

Layla *added Julian😈❣️Jovani😡🇺🇸 Marihoe😂💥& Ariel👑💋 To A Group Chat

where do y'all want to meet

Julian😈❣️ & Jovani😡:
at the mall

I'm down what about u and Ariel

I'm down
well come on let's go to the
mall well bye y'all see ya soon

Ok bye

So after that I left and went to the mall and since my parents are on a trip I don't need to ask cause I'm savage like that. Once I get there I think I see them so I shouted out loud (A/N if that's okay aye aye #descendants4life) their names and they turned around and came to me and said hi. I have to be honest Mario is cute.

I might upload tomorrow after or during school cause I'm savage like that but I'll post often on the weekend so love ya


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