Spencer Reid

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This is also posted on my Multifandom book!

My peaceful sleep was disturbed when a loud cry erupted from the baby monitor that sat on my nightstand.

I groaned and was about to tell my husband it was his turn, but then remembered that Spencer was working a case in Florida.

I sighed, and slowly got out of bed, making my way to me and Spencer's 2 month old son's room, tripping over a few things in the process.

"I'm coming, Daniel," I said softly as I entered his room.

I carefully picked him up, holding him in my arms and swaying. "Shh, you're okay, shh," I shushed him as he cried more.

I looked over at the clock, 3:27 A.M.

I sighed again, and took a seat in the rocking chair beside his crib.

Daniel continued to cry as I tried to everything to calm him down, yet nothing seemed to be working.

I looked into his beautiful Hazel eyes, which he got from Spencer. "I know, I miss him too," I whispered as I placed a soft kiss on his forehead, this seemed to calm him down a bit.

I smiled, finally making progress.

"You know your daddy is a hero. He fights the bad guys, and saves people," I told my son, even though I knew he didn't understand what I was saying.

It was then that I began to tell him stories of ask the people Spencer had saved. I was so invested in these stories that I almost didn't notice Daniel on the verge of falling alseep.

I smiled and slowly stood up, being sure not to disturb him.

I stood in front of his crib, still holding him in my arms, not quite ready to set him down.

I slowly swayed side to side, as I began singing the song my parents used to sing to me.


I quietly opened the front door to Y/N and I's house, being careful not to wake her up, but as I walked down the hall it became apparent that she was already up.

I approached our son, Daniel's room, to see her standing there, her back to the door, quietly singing to him.

"People smile and tell me I'm the lucky one,
And we've just begun, I think I'm gonna have a son.
He will be like you and me, as free as a dove,
Conceived in love, the sun is gonna shine above."

I smiled at the sound of her beautiful voice.

"And even though we ain't got money,
I'm so in love with ya honey, everything will bring a chain of love."

I slowly made my way towards her, and wrapped my arms around her from behind. I felt her lean into me, as I began to sing along with her

"And in the morning when I rise, bring a tear of joy to my eyes, and tell me every thing's gonna be alright."

Y/N turned around, and I looked into her eyes, and smiled. Even when she was tired, she still looked beautiful.

She gave me a tired smile as I hummed the tune, taking the now sleeping Daniel from her arms, and setting him in his crib.

My hums trailed off as I turned back around to face Y/N. She immediately slipped her arms around my torso, burying her face into my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close, and stroking her hair.

"I missed you. So much," she mumbled into my chest.

I kissed the top of her head, "I know, I missed you too, love," I responded.

"Come on, let's gets get some rest," I suggested.

She let out a quiet "okay," as I grabbed her hand and lead her to our room.

She crawled into bed, as I got changed into some PJ's.

Once I had changed, I got into bed next to her and we immediately cuddled up together, just happy to be in each others arms again.

I made he a quick promise that if Daniel woke up again I would handle it, which caused her to mumbled the words, "Thank you."

I let out a sigh, and pulled Y/N closer to me, her head resting just beneath my chin, and her face tucked into my chest.

"I love you," I whispered to her.

"I love you too Spence," she whispered back, before we fell into a deep sleep.


Song: "Danny's Song" -By Anne Murray

I'd be lying of I said this wasn't inspired by the scene from the show "Raising Hope"

If you haven't seen "Raising Hope" it's on Netflix, and I got the idea from the first episode, because honestly that scene was just too adorable!

Anyway hope you enjoyed this, comment below what you thought and if you want more!

But I suggest watching the scene from "Raising Hope" cause that's how I imagined it being sang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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