Chapter 11: Escape

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Chapter 11: Escape

            I shut my eyes and let my muscles slowly relax beneath the tight, thick leather enlaced around my limbs.

            “Hold it,” he whispered, his quiet exhales ticking the small hairs on my neck. I almost lost all of my focus right there because my nerves were sent in an excited frenzy. Get a grip, I shot myself a stern mental note as I once again blurred out the physical world.

            Then… I felt it. There was this odd moment before a transformation when suddenly all the air in proximity to my figure becomes still and my depth perception plummets. I was immobile, independent, and completely absorbed in my own slow, steady heartbeat thudding methodically in my ears.

            One… two…

            “MAN! Old Christopher’s weapon room is wicked these days! I did not expect something that high-tech from a guy wearing a 30-year old pilot jacket,” Will Jameson’s light, and fun-loving voice blasted through the room like a cold bucket of water being dumped on my head. Plus, of course, his presence also caused me to completely drop my earlier focus.

            “Jameson! How is it possible that you manage to disrupt every single pivotal moment?” Hayden barked as I snapped my eyes open and whipped around to face him. I grinned instantly despite his sour façade because just one peek at him caused my heart to flutter lovingly. Yet, his everlasting brown gaze was unfortunately not settled on me but instead… the goof ball across the room.

            “Ah c’mon! You two have been at this for almost an hour! Get it through your stubborn head Hayden; if she’s not ready then just she’s not ready. There’s no need to push her!” Will shot back, rolling his eyes nonchalantly. Obviously, that comment caused Hayden to stiffen and before I knew it he was marching straight over to Will.

            Oh brother.


            “Could you for one second be serious on the severity of our situation? Unlike you, I’ve grasped the gravity of our placement. Instead of lurking around the Ice Wolf territory like a space cadet I’ve been focusing on helping Cassidy protect herself. Clearly, she needs to since your efforts fell quite short the last time…”

            “I dare you,” Will snapped, releasing his brushed-off tone. “Don’t forget who you’re dealing with. I’ve been by her side her entire life, through everything… whereas you’ve done what? Smoked one too many cigs after a meat-head throw down?”

            “You little…” Hayden snarled, clenching his scarred fists.

            I felt my jaw drop as I stared out in horror at the two guys I loved most about to literally rip each other apart. Truthfully, I’d like to say their disagreements have slowly decreased since our departure from the city but as you can see, they haven’t. In fact, I think they’ve somehow gotten worse.

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