5:- A Letter to girls

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Girls! !

You are priceless. Why?
Cause God made you that way.
You weren't made to be the same.
*Not every girl likes superheroes (but how could they not?)
*Not every girl likes Make-up(I know right unbelievable)
Believe It.

If there is one thing we should have in common, it's our ability to uplift.

What's a heart without love
And a brain without using it
What are eyes if we miss every female hurting right before them.

If you want things to change you have to be the change, because sometimes that's all we need. A change.

P.S. Boys will be Boys, ignore them and keep walking; if they like you they will wait, if they don't you're wasting your time. We're not what they say we are and there isn't just one definition to beautiful keep that in mind.

Took me awhile to try to get this message out. I've done so many poems but just can't get the right one. So I just decided to do this little note/letter here. Hope you actually take  into consideration.

BTw. I have three songs that you guys should look up they are all about  'US' { you know it ;-) }

1) Priceless :- by For King and Country.

2) Party like a princess: - by Jamie Grace.

3) Every Bit of Lovely: - by Jamie Grace

Check them out you might love 'em.
I know I do.

Remember uplift don't bring down.

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