My New Home

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The picture is Bluekit.
My nose is covered so I can't smell them. That's normal. They don't want me to know their scents so that if someone were to find me in the old fox den, I couldn't tell them who my parents were. The odd thing was that my eyes are covered. They've never done that before. And they told me not to speak. I can feel my mother running as she carries me. Suddenly she stops running and takes off my blind fold. She sets me down on the ground in a pile of leaves. "When we go, take off your nose covering. Yowl for help. We can't take care of your anymore." She says with what looks almost like tears in her eyes. She starts coughing. My father rushes over and starts pulling her away. As they leave I could have sworn I saw tears fall from my mothers eyes, but my mother never cries. When they are gone for several minutes I take the thing off my nose. I start mewling and yowling. A red tortoiseshell cat runs over to me. "Stormpaw! Go back to the camp and tell Flamefrost that I've found a kit out here!" A I hear a rustle and see a flash of white as the cat that I'm assuming is Stormpaw runs off. "Hi there! My name is Bluekit. Momma told me to yowl for help then she and Papa left and I yowled." I say excitedly. She looks at me curiously and sniffs my scruff. She has a weird look on her face but it goes away and she smiles. "Follow me, Bluekit. My name is Lilypelt and I'm gonna take you to my camp." She tells me and picks me up by my scruff. "Okie dokie, fire smokie!" I reply and she gets the weird face again. Then we reach a dip between two hills that leads to a rock wall and she sets me down to part some over-grown vines covering a entrance. "Who goes there!" Calls a male voice as we cross the tunnel. "Flamefrost, who do you think it is! And I've brought a kit that I found while taking Stormpaw hunting." Lilypelt calls back. Flamefrost steps out of a shadow. He has a dark colored pelt with a white mark on his left ear. He walks up to Lilypelt and nuzzles her nose. "Awww! That's what Papa always did when Momma took her turn on Kit-duty." I say and they both look at me weirdly but it's not the weird look from before. Then they walk over to me and guide me out of the tunnel. "Welcome to the Windclan camp!" Lilypelt says with a smile. A light grey tomcat approaches us. "Is this the kit?" He asks gesturing to me. "Yes, Treestar." Flamefrost tells him. "You're Treestar? That's so cool! Momma used to tell me tons of stories about you but Papa always said that Reedstar was a better leader. I've always tried to stay neutral, but I think you're better." I say looking at him in amazement. He gets the weird look that Lilypelt had and looks directly at her as if having a conversation through their eyes. She nodded. Treestar bounded over to a large tree with flat branches. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather at Flat Tree." He yells and about three dozen cats come out of little dens that I hadn't seen before and sits in front of the tree. He looks at me and gestures for me to come forward. I walk over to the tree and climb up to him. He looks at the gathered cats. "Just mere minutes ago, Lilypelt found a young kit while out hunting with Stormpaw. This kit seems to have been abandoned." Many cats in the crowd hiss in anger or sigh in pity. Treestar looks directly at me. "Young one what is your name and how old are you?" He asks kindly. I look at him then the crowd and gulp. "I-I am B-Bluekit. Momma said I am five moons old." The crowd looked surprised when I said Momma. Treestar speaks, "Welcome, Bluekit, to Windclan. I'm sure that Lilypelt can take care of you along with Ashkit and Crimsonkit." Lilypelt nods and I hop down and walk over to her. "Also, I would like to call Burntkit up here." Everyone oooed and awwed as a mostly red kit with a white belly, chin, and paws walked up to Treestar. "Burntkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Burntpaw. Your mentor will be Whiteear. I hope Whiteear will pass down all he knows on to you." Treestar calls Whiteear to the stage. Whiteear is a all white cat except one of his ears is brown. "Whiteear, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You had received excellent training from Owlshadow, and you have shown yourself to be brave and tactical. You will be the mentor of Burntpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Burntpaw." Whiteear touches his nose to Burntpaw's. The rest of the cats start calling out, "Burntpaw! Burntpaw!" I join in when I see Lilypelt and Flamefrost doing it. Burntpaw' eyes roam the crowd and lock onto mine. He winks at me and walks over to what I'm assuming is his family by their numerous similarities. I look down at the ground and feel my cheeks heat up.

{Discontinued} The Night of Blue MoonWhere stories live. Discover now