"An angel"

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Lunas POV

I strolled through the forest swinging from trees. Trying to think. After what my dad had done. He'd hit me again. He told me how much he hated me. He said I was a freak for my eyes and I wasn't normal. I had scars and that's not normal I deserve to die. I looked at the cuts on my wrists. Fresh blood. I wipe it off on the tree stinging. I volley over a big branch and see light between the trees. I walk over and hear barking. I step out and see a huge! Huge wolve!

He growls and come towards me slowly. I sigh sitting down better get this over it. I sigh and see a stick. Tryna make a joke to myself before these guys eat me I throw the stick far and smile. "Fetch" I smile. I close my eyes and as I blink there I front of me is a feeling werewolf with a stick in its mouth! In front of my eyes I hear Ines cracking and soon enough I have a well built boys in front of me. "Woah" I gasp.

"Got it" the tall boy sits next to me handing me the stick. "Good boy" I ruffle his hair. He brushes my hand away. "What's someone like you doing in forks?" He raises a brow. "Jut wondering and forks?" I raise a brow. "You must of wondered abit far young lady , wait you can only get here if?" He steps back and growls at me. "Are you a vampire?" He growls louder. "Vampire?" I laugh. "Is this some weird mythical world or did I finally die?" I laugh. "This my dear is forks your personal magic world". He bows. "Well I better get going home now" "hey , hey once you enter forks you can't leave literally it's impossible" "not if I walk far enough" "you'll walk around in circles there's no escape you can only get in if you needed , so what are you?" He asks curiously.

"I'm a depressed suicidal 17 year old girl who no one gives a shit about and wants to go home" I shout and try and turn round but he grabs me. "We're gonna have to take you to Sam" "wait I don't even know  your name!" I shout as I slung over his shoulder. "Jacob , Jacob black"

At pack house

I'm finally put down to the ground to face a big wooden house. Nothing extravagant one story but quite big with pools and training areas. I hear Jacob Joel and soon aloud if shirtless boys run out the house. One adult who still looks good for his age. "Guys this is Luna , Luna waters" he puts his hand out to me. "Hi" I whisper and blush.

"We got another girl!" A blond runs out and screams. Hugging me I hug back giggling. "You don't smell wolf?" A shirt Asian guy raises his brow. "That's cause I'm not" I giggle pulling away from blonde locks.

Soon I'm pushed against a wall with a strong hand to my neck. I hear a growl. "Sam put her down" in then let go from the neck but still against the wall. "You brought a vampire in my territory?" Sam shouts. "I'm not a vampire" I stutter. He back away. "Well then what are you?" He states daringly. "I'm not sure human" I shrug. "Impossible!" He laughs In face spitting. "Sam that's enough" Jacob growls under his breathe.

"Well I our not vampire or wolf , Voltaire?" He raises a brow everyone gets defenses. "Their vampires as well just a stronger scent retard she Dosent smell" a tall blond rolls his eyes. "You must be an angel!" He smiles. Everyone gasps. "Oh my god your gonna be our strongest warrior" blonde hugs me spinning me round.

"What?" I raise a brow. "Your protects by the gods. Vampires with powers like pain and poisoning can't kill you , your stronger then new born vampire you do not feel pain that's from power" Jacob stars smiling. I'm soon engulfed in hugs.

"Right use introduce yourself I've got some calls to go back to" sam smiles. "Good luck Luna" he nods walking inside.

"Well this is the pack. Charlie" the shirt Asian steps up. "Loren" blonde locks steps up. "Max" the tall bond steps up. "James" a boy looking a little like Jacob steps up but he has black hair and green eyes and slightly more tanned then Jacob. "Jacob brother" he bows. Jacob rolls his eyes. "Maddie" a tall brunnete who's very slim with a perfect body steps up making me feel self conscious. "Ellie" a black haired girl with tanned skin and black eyes smiles. "And last but not least Peter" a curly headed ginger steps up. Sounds ugly but he's quite cute with his freckles. "So that is our 9 members pack but you've now made us ten members strong" Jacob high fives me smiling.

"Right lets all get some food and sleep we've got a angel to train tommorow" max rubs my shoulder heading inside.......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2017 ⏰

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