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Today is January 29,2014. 3 months ago was the day that my grandmoms died. I miss her like you wouldn't believe. Sometimes you're just like"hey maybe I should ask grandmom!" Or "we should go to grandmom's for dinner!" But then you have to stop and think. I can't ask her and i can't go to her house. She's not here anymore. And when you stop and think it brings out all the pain and sorrow that you have kept hidden away inside of you. For about a week after she died I cried myself to sleep every night. Now just thinking about it is making me want to cry. I just wanted to let you all know. This is a very sad day for me cause I am going through it alone. I don't want to tell my mom because she will start to cry and my dad doesn't understand. Well bye for now...

"Always remember. Never forget..."


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