2. Dont eat the boy!!

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"Hi guys, I'm your new English teacher, you can call me Ms Eiko or Mrs Fujishiro. Looking forward to teach you guys!" Eiko said cheerfully, winking at San and nagasumi who was still recovering from the earlier shock at the far end of the classroom, forming a puddle around his desk with tears. "Great...... just great. The whole Seto group is here, Father (homeroom), Mother (nurse), masa San {swoons for a moment} (math), fujishiro(PE) and now eiko san (English)?! My life is gonna be hell.....;_;" "This is gonna be so fun." Eiko chuckled to herself at the image of a broody nagasumi while commencing with her lesson.

.....timeskip in a few days.....

Eiko winced in pain while marking her worksheets and glanced at her calendar marked in red. Her second day was especially painful this time but she managed to compose herself to teach for the entire day. After all, her students, especially a certain monkey boy, enjoyed her lessons, and nagasumi had told her that she actually made English seem easier for them.

She made her way to the window to watch her husband's PE lessons to cheer herself up. "Fujishiro looks so bored this time, pretty sure he ain't gonna take this job seriously, but dammit he looks so cute in his tracksuit.." Eiko was blushing madly as she saw fujishiro look back and giving her a sly wink. Eiko was glad that she actually had a chance to watch him from a nice view.

"Sigh.... the class is ending soon... wait what's he doing now, alone with nagasumi in the field..nope nope he actually became a shark head, well shit! Gotta stop this!" Masa San who had been working in the corner, looked up to see a furious snake lady opening the window. "Wait Eiko san, what are you doing?!" He shouted, but she had already kept from the second floor window and sprinting madly to the sound of the boy's cries for help.

"HEY WAIT JUST SPARE ME ALREADY!" Nagasumi yelled as he practically ran/ crawled away from a snapping shark man. " No use Nagasumi Kun?! We're the only ones here, so no ones here to help you?! Well then, ITADAKIMA-" fujishiro was inches from reaching the boy's head before getting a hard kick from behind, sending him flying to a nearby wall.

"FUJISSSSSSHIRO!" Then came a Long hiss. Both the boy and the shark turned and recoiled at the sight of a pair of silver eyes glinting dangerously from the black markings around them, and the fangs from Eiko's mouth having grown several centimetres longer with the forked tongue sticking out. "Crap, it's her second day too..." the shark muttered to himself. "IVE TOLD YOU BEFORE TO LEAVE THISSSSSSSSS POOR KID ALONE RIGHT?! YOURE COMING WITH ME FOR A NICCCCCCCCE PRIVATE CHAT NOW!" Eiko growled with a lisp that can be heard in her angered state as she dragged the trembling shark man by his dorsal fin away. Nagasumi sighed in relief before dropping down in a broken heap. "Can I ever have a break? ;__;"

(Shark Fujishiro x OC main character Sea Serpent) Where stories live. Discover now