Ragini helps Swara get up freeing her from her mother in law's grip, she is trembling still weak and shocked about the accusations Sujatta was throwing at her face, her hands pressing her sister's forcefully.
She looks to her in disbelief, may be this is a nightmare too, she keeps having nightmares since sanskar let her alone!

"- look at me Swara!!! Tell me whose son have you brought in our house?... Who's shame are you making us handle?"
Swara chokes hearing her words, she yells stopping her:
"- what are you saying mum!!!"

"- never say mum again!"
Sujatta rises her hand furious, she's about slapping her shocking everyone one when Laksh's voice reasons from upstairs in chorus with Ragini:
"- chachi ji!!!!!!!!!"
Ragini buries her sister's face in her chest protectively, Laksh runs down stairs to stand face to his aunt, his back to his wife and her sister
"- what the hell is going on here?? Papa, ma? Have you all gone mad?"
Both his parents and his uncle bow their heads speechless, if there love and trust in Swara have no boundaries, Sujatta's words were true.... At their mutism, he turns to his wife asking:
" – kya hua ragini? What happened"
Sujatta makes him look to her pulling on his elbow to snatch him from her way toward swara:
"I'll tell you beta... Tumhara bhabi is pregnant"
Laksh's face illuminates with joyful surprise, his eyes veiled with tears, he looks back to Swara who was crying in her sister's embrace, Frowning again he asks:
"- this should be a happy event, hai na?... Chachi how could you raise your hand on the mother of your son's son!!!!"
His smile has turned to an angry face remembering what he saw when he arrived.
"-don't ever say she's the mother of my son's son! Ask her where did she spend her time for the past months!"
"- chachi ji!!!" Ragini shouts at her aunt face. Swara cries more without a word.
"- shut up chore... I know she's you sister but you're this house bahu... Your role is to protect his honor from that..."
Durga Prasad voice stops her:
"- Sujatta!!!"
"- kyu bhai Saa... What wrong have I said... You were all here hai na.... Ha Laksh beta... You weren't here, but ask them all... Here, here in this place, in front of all of us Swara humiliated your brother accusing him for your disappearance, accusing him for not searching you and blaming him for sister's sorrow..."
She grips Swara's elbow manhandling her to the center and continues:
"- my son stood here helpless when you gripped his collar daring him to stop you!.... In front of all of us you announced your sentence! No more relationship between you until he brings his brother back... Ha or na ! Tell me!"
Annapurna tries to interfere:
"- Sujatta! You're hurting her..."
"- No, she's hurting us! Like she hurt my son walking out even after begging her to stay... She hurt my son for long six months living peacefully when he was going through depression searching his brother in day and mourning his love for her with a glass of wine in the nights... "
Swara was sobbing silently feeling every word aching her heart more. Sujatta looks back to her:
" it's all your fault if my son is gone today! He loved you more than his own life and what you did? You walked on in someone else arms!"
Swara closes her eyes about fainting feeling like if someone has punched her in her stomach but her mother in law grips her hair forcefully making her wince in pain, Ragini cries out asking her to let her in vain:
"- Say the truth choree.. Whose child is it?"
"- chachi! Let go of her"
Ragini and Laksh try to free her from her grip but she doesn't let go of her:
"- answer me !!! My son is not here to put you at your place... I have that right! So answer me!"
Swara opens her eyes filled with tears and looks straight in her eyes saying:
"- sa... Sans... kar...."
"- juuth!!!!"
She balances her making her almost fail if Ragini didn't catch her at the last moment.
Swara straightens herself holding on her necklace.
Laksh tries to reason his aunty saying:
"- let her defend herself.. We all know that swara is not like that!"
Sujatta has small devil laugh saying:
" who is talking! After all those time you keep protecting her like at first sight"
Ragini frowns in disgust:
"- chachi ji how dare you? Laksh is just standing by the truth side... Swara would never be like you're saying... Sanskar has always been the only man in her life"
"- really!?.. You're adult ragini, you know how we make babies so tell me... Swara was at badi for the last months, did Sanskar come to see her? Did he stay there with her? Tell me.. May be you know something I don't... No? Yes? No.. Nothing ha? The only man in her life my foot! Kabhi Laksh, kabhi Sanskar, kabhi Sahil kabhi again Sanskar and ha.... That boy! The childhood friend Nik... Ha jiji, remember that... Nikhil who was living at Gadodias home... Hai na swara? When my son was poisoning himself with alcohol, your childhood friend was sleeping peacefully under the same roof with you!"
The last statement startles swara shocking all the persons around... But laksh faces her angrily:
"- what nonsense!!! Nikhil was the police inspector in charge in my case... He was there to protect them at the approach of the trial and to stop Sanskar's researches as they became dangerous for me!"
Everyone looks to him surprised, he turns to swara explaining:
"- sorry Swara, I should have informed you but since my bhai's d..."
She stops him raising her hand at his face, the last thing she needs is to hear that fact again. She says :

[Swasan]: If this is your love, my Prince... Then, please hate me!Where stories live. Discover now