"Did you see Sean blush to the kiss" Amber teased. She enjoyed seeing Sean all out going with the girls. Especially after several failed attempts of trying to match make him.

"Amber Dina will flirt with anything that is male. Even the pope" Tanya teased.

"But I really cannot blame her" Sean is quite easy on the eyes "mhh I think I'm even getting dizzy" Lavina pretended to faint.

"Not you too! I think the Sean bug has bit you all." Tanya jokingly rebuked her friends

"And with that, now is my cue to go"

The girls giggled and fussed he left.


Devin grabbed his bottle of whisky and drank from it. No one knew how difficult it wasbeing him. He was the son of an oil tycoon set to take over the competitive business. His father was a harsh man and a perfectionist. Devin had not experienced much love growing up. It was almost impossible to impress his father. He tried to gain affection elsewhere by being outgoing and socializing more. The success of his family made him popular. He enjoyed the club life mainly because he was paid handsomely for club appearances. He was popular on the blogs and many women claimed to be dating him just to gain popularity. The playboy image had landed him publicizing deals and a couple of magazine spreads. His popularity had cost him a price. He was constantly misjudged, sometimes deemed reckless all this drew his father away from him. He was even considering leaving the oil business to her soft spoken sister - something that had made Devin resent Amber. He was angry at Sean for judging him. He was trying his best to straighten out his image and be a better man. He had not meant to fall in love but he did. She motivated him to be a better person. She saw the best in him.

He moved to the window and watched as Sean played with the girls. He was a natural charmer of course his hazel eyes, caramel skin added to the charm. His cousin got everything easily. He was a natural charmer.  Although his uncle and aunt had died, they had loved Sean unconditionally. He remembered going to hang out at their house because it was more livelier than his. At school the teachers had loved Sean's hardworking nature. Devin on the other hand was constantly rebuked for being naughty and an attention seeker. Even his own sister loved Sean. He would not lose Sidney to him. He had vowed to himself.


Dinner was a chatty affair. The group had some sea food and wine. They drank and talked as they planned activities for the following day. They had agreed on scuba diving and a yacht ride. Devin was the first to go to bed. His moods were down and was a bit too tipsy to keep up with the conversation. Dina, Amber and Lavina soon followed leaving Sean and Tanya to play a game of cards. Sidney left to go for a walk she did not like playing cards. She loved to hear the sound of crushing waves, the feeling of sand under her feet and the gentle breeze.

She was staring into the clear sky trying to draw out  a few constellations when Sean joined her.

"What are we staring at" he asked also looking up

"The stars" she replied smiling

"Do you see it" he asked

"See what"

"The star of love" he replied pretending to draw up something in the sky.

Sidney laughed.

"You are kidding me" she stared at the sky and saw some light fly across.

"Sean look a shooting star. Make a wish" she screamed pointing at it and closing her eyes to make a wish. When she opened he eyes he was looking at her. He loved how she was fascinated by the simple things in life.

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