2. But yet..

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You stand their and call me ugly but yet your the one who has to cake their face up to feel better about your self
You push me and call me fat but yet no one but you sees that
You judge me at one glance but yet you haven't said a word to me ever
You think little of me but what you have heard of me are rumors
You think you are better than me but yet no ones perfect
You think that your words hurt but I don't feel any pain
You think I care what you say but yet your opinion has no value to me
You tell lies but yet as you keep going no one believes you
You say you are popular but yet no one likes you
You think that what you do is okay but yet people kill them welds because of you
You know what you do is wrong but yet you do it still
You know I pity you but yet don't care for you

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