Kankri x Delinquent!Reader

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Some call you a delinquent. Others call you intimidating. Nobody seemed to care about how you felt, or if you were listening or not. That's how it always worked. You were either in the shadows or up in someone's face.

One day, that all changed.

It had been a relatively normal morning for you. You woke up, got ready, smoked a cigarette out behind your apartment building, and left to go to your hell school. I mean, high school. My bad. Word around the school grounds let you in on a little 'secret'. The principal had allowed a couple troll exchange students join the school for an 'End Racism' project. They only did it for the money.

You were taking a long drag from the death stick in your mouth when he showed up. And by he, I mean he and she. Because there were two of them. Yeah. Whoops.

The female troll was taller than you and less prude. She had strange markings crawl all the way up her gray skin, popping out from the school uniform she seemed to lazily reside in. The buttons on her polo were all unbuttoned and her skirt was too short.

"Hey, look. They're talking to the frea-"

"You really wanna finish that sentence, fucker?" You sent the insufferable student a nasty glare, grinning wickedly as they shriveled away.

"That is n9t appr9priate language f9r sch99l gr9unds, miss!" The male troll exclaimed, placing a hand over his heart as if he were genuinely offended.

"What my friend means is, we need help. We need so+meo+ne to sho+w us aro+und the scho+o+l," the female spoke up this time.

"What's your names? I'm (Y/N)."

"I'm Kankri, and this is P9rrim."

"Kankri, Porrim? I don't have time for fucks like you guys. But you caught me in a good mood. Your lucky day! Follow me."

And thus, started an incredibly triggering friendship between the three.


Months later, Kankri had broken his vow of celibacy for you. The young relationship had its tosses and turns, but to the both of you it was perfect. Kankri was completely fine with any sorts of physical contact with you, since you would never take no for an answer.

"(Y/N), n-n9t n9w! P9rrim will 6e 9ver any minute!" Kankri whimpered as you straddled his hips suggestively.

"Aw, come on, 'Kri! Just a couple kisses? It's not like you'd mind if you were caught anyways~"

Kankri's face flushed as he stared up at you before he slowly nodded, gasping as you lips attacked his neck.

Soft grunts and moans filled the room as you nipped and sucked at the tender flesh just above his collarbone.

"Hey, guys, I bro+ught pizz-aaaaaaaaa-I'll be go+ing!"

"Hah, I guess your fantasy did come true, Kankri!"

"(Y/N), y9u disgrace!"

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