James and Lily, James and Lily

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In the Past:

"Oh, okay, Mum. Bye" Albus hung up, and looked at his brother.

"Really, James? Now we're stuck here!" Albus asked.

"Guys, I'm sorry. No, I truly am. I never meant this to happen." James hung his head. The kitchen was silent. James looked back up for a second. Rose, Hugo, Albus, and Victoire's jaws were hitting the table. "What? I can be kind and sincere!" James protested. Rose's jaw went to the floor.

"He's right, Rosie." Lily piped up. "Last year, after the-incident, James was the one who would sit with me in the Gryffindor Common Room till I fell asleep." Albus looked immensely guilty that he couldn't be there. "Only the other half of the time he is insufferable." Victoire laughed.

"Do you even know what that means, Lils?" She asked. Lily looked highly affronted.

"Of course I do. Insufferable is an adjective, to be having or showing unbearable arrogance or conceit (Thank you, exact dictionary definition. Sigh, the wonders of copy and paste.)" Lily stated. Everyone in the kitchen just stared at Lily.

"What? I do have some smart genes in me!" Lily stated. A laugh came from the doorway.

"She's right. Lily here is just like Prongsette!" Sirius said, smiling a little sadly. The girl really reminded him of Lily Evans. And what he had heard, her brother, James, was just like his old friend. When Lily's own parents died on Halloween, (Check out my new story: Ten Years of Halloween, it's in it.) James stayed up for her when nightmares plagued her. Everyone looked up at Sirius.

"Sirius!" Harry said.

"Morning to you too, Prongslet." Sirius said, walking over to Harry and ruffling his hair.

"Now really, eat your breakfast before it's cold." Mrs. Weasley burst out.

"Um, Grandmum, it's already cold!" Hugo said, and batting his eyelashes, asked for some more warm eggs. Mrs. Weasley, under the boy's charm, compiled, and made some more eggs for everyone. They finally began to eat. Everyone was happily chatting. Lily and Rose sat discussing, what else, Hogwarts.

"So, what's it like?" Hermione asked, spooning eggs into her mouth.

"Well, thanks to a law you passed when you first became Minister, all of the House Elves are free, but otherwise, it's pretty much the same." Rose said.

"I WHAT?" Hermione screeched. Rose smiled.

"You're Minister for Magic, Mum!" Rose grinned at the look on her mom's face. Everyone looked at at Hermione.

"I see it." Ron said through a mouthful of food, and gazed at Hermione. "She probably does a fine job." Hermione blushed to the roots of her hair. Harry's green eyes looked at Ginny, sitting next to Lily and Hermione, silently laughing and the answer fell into his head.

"I got it!" Harry shouted, standing up.

"Got what, mate?" Ron asked confusedly, woken out Hermione-Land, or wherever he had been.

"I got how to send Lily, James, Rose, Hugo, Victoire, and Albus back!"


*Ducks Pillow*

But Seriously, (no, I will not do the pun.) I'm so mean. Yes, I will end the chapter on that note. I have a question for everyone: What's your OTP? Mine's Jily. 

-Mia <3 Also, next time, when I end on another cliff hanger, (may or may not be the same one), please refrain from throwing stuff. That's a good rule of life.

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