Two parties under one roof

Start from the beginning

"You're so unhelpful" she huffed while he simply sighed and pushed himself from the seat placing his hand either side of her arms as he looked into her slightly pissed off face. "Why do you care so much?" he asked a small smirk playing on his lips as she avoided eye contact.

"Because I do alright" she replied stubbornly like an annoyed toddler as she pulled up the front of her dress and began walking to get changed. "Why are you so upset?" 

Looking at him she sighed. She knew she was acting rather ridiculous and she had made him sit there for about half and hour or so as she tried on different dresses, it's just she feels insecure. The women their tonight would be obviously judging her and she was nervous. Normally she didn't care what people thought but with this bunch of women it was a different matter, the'd all be looking down on her, she just didn't fit in. She was doing all this because Johnny wanted her there and so she just wanted to look good for him more than anything. All his friends would be at Peter's house and therefore she wanted to look good, for him. 

"I don't know" she whispered even though she did know why. 

"I just want to make an effort" she sighed again throwing the front of her dress down and kicking the back of it so it wasn't tucked so near her feet. Smirking at her Johnny walked over and placed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry" he smiled noticing her glance at him from the corner of her eye. "You know what you could do to make this more fun" he said with a playful glint in his eye as he leaned up against the wall and crossed his arms looking into her questioning eyes "Hmm?" 

"You could try on some of that underwear out there" he winked.

Growling at him slightly she pushed his shoulder back with her hand making him laugh before she headed back in to get changed, quickly sliding the curtain shut. "Oh come on Hel I'm only teasing" he chuckled. He could hear her getting changed behind the curtain and smirked as she just told him to do one.

"We're back" Nell announced as she came rushing back into the room licking a lollypop in her hand grinning at Johnny sweetly. Billy also came in munching on some sweets from a brown paper bag "Has she picked one yet?" he whispered over to Johnny who shook his head whilst rolling his eyes. Billy sighed at this and sat beside Nell as she peered into the pram to see her baby sister fast asleep.

Johnny slowly slithered in behind the curtain where Helena was trying desperately to unfasten the zip on the back of that awful dress she had on. The changing room was very small or at least it seemed that way with all her dresses spread everywhere. "Come here" Johnny said patting her hands away and helping to unfasten the zip. She stood there looking at him in the mirror opposite her with a slight pout on her face.

"There" he smiled as she began to climb out of the dress "Is someone with Rose?" she asked worried that he had just left her on her own. "Of course she's with Billy and Nell" he answered smirking slightly at the way she seemed to be caught up in a little tantrum of her own. Why was she so uptight all of a sudden? was she really worried about this evening?

"Hellie I'm sorry I was only teasing" he still couldn't help but find it amusing how her little face seemed so annoyed. She was obviously stressing out a little too much and he found it quiet adorable. She continued to ignore him as she hung up the dress on the hanger and began to put her jeans back on instead leaving her in just her bra. "You know you look lovely in whatever you wear" his attempt at complimenting her fell flat and for that he simply chuckled.

"Do you realise how funny you are when your angry" he said this time running his hands over her exposed arms before pressing kisses to the back of her neck making her roll her eyes as she carried on hanging up the other dresses.

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