Hate at first sight?

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"No! I'm not going Riley!!" I said loud and clear for her crazy ass to adjust to me saying no Riley wants me to go to playlist live to meet her idol Tyler Brown and Landon Barker. I hate them both. A lot! "Oh come on it's gonna be fun and I'll buy you all the pizza you can eat!" She said begging I turn and smirk at her.

"I'm just randomly guessing you planed a head of time and bought my ticket already?" I said with my mind set in pizza Mainly pepperoni. She searched around in her purse and pulled out to Vip tickets "Maybe" she said "all the pizza I can eat" I said grinning. She nodded yes.

I sighed "fine" I said she jumped up and clapped rapidly i rolled my eyes at her oping the door to my house.

Monday (day 1 to playlist live)

I wake up from a deadly shake from the should going into attack mode immediately but then I realized it's Riley and go back to sleep "come on! Courtney were here at the hotel and I smell pizza!" She said trying to bribe me awake I shook my head 'No' but I feel her yanking my arm tight as she can.

I finally set aside my complaining and look at the hotel and her blanking about how the 'stars' are going to be staying here.

Walking in I immediately fall in love with the scenery. We walked to the front desk but something isn't right I turn my head a bit and see the devil himself Tyler Brown "oh hel-" I said risky being cut of by "our room number is 117" I look over flare my eyes in a slightly evil way "what?" She said looking around then her eyes stop.

"No way!" She yelled running over to Landon and Tyler I walked slowly until I was about 7 feet away.

They were talking and I was thinking about pizza when I herd my name from Riley's mouth I look up but she wasn't calling me

Riley POV

I ran over super excited "Omg I love you guys!" I smiled exposing my dimples Landon smiled at me "hey cute stuff" Landon said I blushed.

Tyler was randomly looking at something I followed his eyes and the were looking at Courtney "That's Courtney over there and I'm Riley" I smiled Tyler snapped back to normal when Courtney "Sorry hi Riley nice to meet you why isn't your friend over here?" He asked "Oh she hates you guys" I said rolling my eyes

"Well why is she here?" Landon asked "well.. I said I'll buy her all the pizza she can eat" I said scratching the back of my head they laughed I smiled and looked back to see her "well Nice meeting you guys see you at playlist"

"or at Starbucks" Landon winked at me I smiled and ran over to Courtney (btw. I call her Cory for short don't get confused)

"Landon is so hot and tyler boy oh boy but did you see that kid Landon wink at me oh and by the way were going to Starbucks " I ranted she didn't listen to a thing I said

"Then we can eat pizza" I said she looked up and raised her eyebrows it sucks knowing shell never feel the towards the boys like me =(

We got to our room and I put on my camouflage jacket out my hair into two braids and but some fake glasses on and my skinny jeans and my all white Adidas I looked pretty cute

I turned and looked at Courtney she was wears black jeans and a Nike black crop top with stripes on the sleeves I shrugged and we walked out.

We got to Starbucks and I saw Landon and Tyler sitting at the table and I walked over courtney was getting her a Caramel Macchiato with extra wipe cream that's her favorite

"Hey Riley" Landon said Tyler got up and walked off I was way to focused on Landon's cute ass.

Tyler POV

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